Find a member of staff and ask where the “human bathrooms” are. Don’t let them leave until they explain. Bonus points if you piss your pants while they are trying to explain.
Look them intensely in the eye as piss streams down your leg to establish dominance.
Better piss on their leg to mark your territory
One of the most uncomfortable episodes.
I had to look it up. Am I correct in thinking this was a transphobic episode?
Kinda. But it gets fucking crazy. Mr Garrison gets surgery to be trans fem. Kyle gets taller, black skin, and Mr Garrison’s testicles as his new knees. Gerald becomes a dolphin. It’s all over the place.
Matt and Trey use the writing technique of “but, therefore” which leads to very insane story threads (with their ribald thinking)
Bees have stingers, birds have peckers…
Bees pollinate, birds lay eggs
Female bees pollinate, female birds lay eggs. Both are for female?
Tbf they both lay eggs.
I seriously don’t know what the hell the “Birds and the bees” even refers to beyond an olde movie cliche.
One has a stinger and one incubates eggs I guess?
Bees… Do both?
Bees carry pollen to the flower
Birds devote time to their eggs
Both can be pollinators. Both can tend to their eggs/young. As a non-native speaker, the phrase never made sense to me.
I’m going in and committing to whatever I find inside.
Women are Bees. Men are Birds. Arrhenotoky OP.
Of the 60,000 bees in a hive, almost 99% of them are female! Female honey bees, or worker bees, make all of the decisions in the hive and do all of the work. There are a couple hundred male bees in a hive, but they don’t do much but sit around and eat food.
Thats a little to common sense for the average American.
I’d wager bees are boys, for bathroom purposes, cause boys have a “stinger”
I think it’s a play on words Bees -> Bs, B stands for Boy. Birds -> British slang for women.
Birds -> Bs, B stands for Boy…
Same thought different reasoning: the expression “a bees dick” exists. There’s no equivalent for birds.
A birds pecker?
Huh, not heard that one
Meanwhile I’ve never heard “a bee’s dick” in my life.
Slang for women is “chicks” and a bit more archaic, “birds” too.
Bees have a…stinger? Dunno about that one.
Aren’t most bees female though?
Bees have a stinger, and “bird” has been a slang term for a woman (like, what, 1920-1950s?).
Regards, I agree that’s needlessly vague, and just about to the point of useless.
Odd that so many people are coming out the woodwork to say they didn’t know Britons fairly often call women birds.
I’ve heard dame used more often than bird myself. Honestly, not sure I’ve actually heard bird used… it’s like a vague sense of “I think I knew that… right?” and my brain shrugs back.
The only bees with stingers are the female ones, though.
Fine, Bs represent bra size so that’s the women’s room, and a cock is a bird, so that’s the men’s room.
Any way you slice it, these signs don’t help.
A tit is a bird though
I give up I’m going to go piss in the kitchen
Dishes done.
Bees are all female, so…
No they aren’t, the males just live in the hive and their only purpose is to fuck
AFAIK bees are females, the drones are the males.
If you carry and deposit pollen - use the Bees, if you are laying eggs - use the Birds, else use the floor.
I am shocked how few people know Georgia O’Keeffe’s paintings? Bees (females) going flower to flower, pollinating.
I hope those are single user bathrooms. It just simplifies things.
Anarchist answer: They’re both unisex - bees for pees, birds for turds.
Do I have to hold my pee while I’m pooping until I can get to the other bathroom?
Hmm… You might be onto something here
Yes, this establishment’s blacklist.
That’s an easy one. Just wait for someone to come out and you’ll know the answer.
If Spongebob has taught me anything, it’s that that won’t work.
this is how i feel when a website presents me with a gender prompt with only two options
Hole or pole?
Or when a webform requires an honorific and none of them is suitable. (I’ll usually pick “Honorable”)
I love it when serious companies make it a text field, and i get my bills in a letter adressed, in all sincerity, to: Intergalactic Lord Emperor GoosLife
At work we used the department field for outrageous addressees
The British call women “birds” sometimes. Idk.
Well, bees have stingers, which penetrate…
Except male bees have no stingers, and almost all bees are female… So I guess that would leave us fellas as being the birds?
Birds are cool I guess
Women can be quite stingy, so that’s women I guess
If you don’t have a cloaca you can’t use birds
I know some of these words
A cloaca is kinda like an anus that you also piss and reproduce with.
Terrific username for posting cloaca facts