why is the brick highlighted and glowing?
Press e to interact
Lego star wars usable object aura around it
Literally a spray painted arrow pointing to it! Sometimes the universe just speaks.
Interactable objects in games:
Brick frog!
take the brick and put it very close to the officer’s foot, it’ll be funny
It would make a pretty amazing video if he reacted to the brick like a cat reacting to a cucumber.
I’d save myself by putting the brick back into the missing spot in the street for that OCD satisfaction.
If you throw it at the windshield it will fit way better than the sidewalk
I had this meme come through my discord and was going to post it but I didn’t want to have to explain to 47 people that no, I am not saying hit the cop with it; the windshield is much more satisfying
I’m probably more likely to survive if I 1 tap the cop. I’m not white, so I would not get any benefit of the doubt for throwing it anywhere near them. I know not to talk to them or comply more than required, but I also know to never give them an excuse to kill me. Lower level antagonization has higher risk of death.
It’s June!
L’occasion fait le larron!