Gonna need the source here, for science of course
Don’t make it look hot
“The West” are the ones who set this all up in the first place.
Israel is a Western project.
In terms of who the propaganda is meant for and works on, it’s really an internal-facing apparatus handing down false or misleading information and narratives (and censoring true or clarifying information and narratives). The peddlers are ruling class interests that usually span Israel and Western countries, not existing in just one. Large corporations, the military, your local cops, PR firms, think tanks, lobbyists, etc etc.
While Israelis have a pretty fucked up culture and I’m not letting them off the hook, the primary divide in terms of who is creating propaganda vs. consuming it is ruling class vs. everyone else.
Wtf is a hasbara
Israel’s ministry of propaganda
Israeli propaganda
Great now you are making people slightly horny with your bs
There should be another half with Hamas doing the same to a slightly different subset of the West. Both have tuned their propaganda to 110%, Hamas is even slightly more successful.
The only solution is a 0 state solution.
Hamas is a product of a brutal fascist aparthied regime targeting Palestinians, Hamas did not originate out of nowhere.
Why don’t you Allah ackbar all the way down to the corner store and get me a pack of Newports boy