“Trust, but verify.”
All the sources (1) agree that everybody was kung fu fighting. In addition, no verifiable source mentions that nobody was kung fu fighting. In conclusion, we can assume that everybody was actually kung fu fighting. [I have a PhD in physical anthropology]
Everybody that I’m referring to for the purposes of this song was kung fu fighting
Several people were kung fu fighting
Their speed was metaphorically lightning
Ok, is no one going to mention that he is holding a smaller hand to adjust his sunglasses?
On a closer look, the small hand is the guy behind him holding a phone to his ear
AI image generators having to scrape stuff like this and somehow not come up with monstrosities
“An image of kung fu fighting, please.”
Screen full of sunglasses and hands touching said sunglasses to put them better on the face with a face
Not sure if this is sarcasm or a reference I’m not getting, but just in case: It’s not AI generated. I know this because the sign in the background is legible. The hand belongs to the woman to his right. The photo was taken right as he was lifting his hand to adjust/remove his sunglasses.
I think they were talking about AI being trained using this image. Like this dude got AI out here thinking people got hands on hands on hands.
They indeed were…and don’t call me Shirley.
A healthy amount of skepticism is indeed important.
I also question how fast their moves really were, as it’s impossible to be fast as lightning.
And even if they were, how is that even a little bit frightening?
You wouldn’t be frightened by some literally physically impossible moves?
Don’t call me Shirley