Such a clickbaity article.
Here’s the meat of it:
Have they finally achieved consciousness and this is how they show it?!
No. The answer, as is usually the case with these things, is that we are anthropomorphizing a step too far. These models don’t care about what is and isn’t random. They don’t know what “randomness” is! They answer this question the same way they answer all the rest: by looking at their training data and repeating what was most often written after a question that looked like “pick a random number.” The more often it appears, the more often the model repeats it.
Can we stop calling LLMs for AI yet?
LLMs are AI. But then again, so are mundane algorithms like A* Pathfinding. Artificial Intelligence is an extraordinarily broad field.
Very few, if any, people claim that ChatGPT is “Artificial General Intelligence”, which is what you probably meant.
It’s a meaningless marketing term. It’s used to describe so many different technologies that it has become meaningless. People just use it to give their tech some SciFi vibes.