I had to look up the first guy
On May 15, 2024, Harris joined a Zoom call court hearing from his phone while he was behind the wheel. Since June 2023, Michigan’s “hands-free” state law makes it “illegal to manually use a cell phone or other mobile electronic devices while operating a vehicle on Michigan roads.”
Presiding Judge J. Cedric Simpson straightforwardly asked the defendant, “Mr. Harris are you driving?” To which Harris replied, “Actually, I am pulling into my doctor’s office,” adding, “so just give me one second, I’m parking right now.”
Nearly a minute later, Harris informs the court that he is stationary.
After looking through the paperwork, which includes Harris’ record, Simpson says, “Okay, so maybe I don’t understand something, this is for driving while license suspended?”
“That is correct, your honor,” the defendant’s lawyer, Washtenaw County Assistant Public Defender Natalie Pate confirmed.
“And he was just driving. And he didn’t have a license,” Simpson said. He appears to smile and hold back a laugh.
Moments later, Simpson shook his head in disbelief, saying, “I don’t even know why he would do that. So, defendant’s bond is revoked in this matter.” He added that Harris must turn himself in to Michigan’s Washtenaw County Jail that evening.
C’mon, man, it would’ve been better to be late by a few minutes than to show yourself driving with a suspended license to the goddamn judge.
Apparently his license had been restored in 2022, but due to a clerical error it was still listed as suspended. That’s part of the reason for the hearing.
Incase anyone reading hasn’t heard yet: the dude never had a license. He had a “suspended license” but getting that doesn’t actually mean you ever had a real license. He’s also renewed his ID every year. He’s just never gotten his license for no good reason.
Watching his lawyer and the judge trying so hard not to laugh is the funniest goddamn thing.
Also these two:
Is there a video? Preferably with Benny Hill theme song?
My favorite part is right after the judge says “and he was just driving, and he didn’t have a license,” when you can see the realization that he just incriminated himself (further) wash over Harris’ face. 🫤 😮 😬 “…oh.”
Actually, I’m thinking that face is the “what? It’s not a big deal” expression people have when they think they’re entitled and they just found out they’re not.
Maybe. Either way, it’s comedy gold!
Don’t forget he was also found liable for rape.
Jesus fuck the laundry list of shit you could pin him with is endless so why the fuck would you need to make shit up? They literally did not find him liable for rape. He was found liable for sexual abuse. Why fuel the fire of misinformation when it’s the fire the person you are speaking out against thrives on.