Imagine waking up after a wild bender with a pair of hyperrealistic nipples tattooed on your asscheeks
I remember this. Tat-for-tit.
Theres a tattoo artist near me who does this for free. And is really good at what she does
Coverups usually need to be larger and darker than the initial tattoo unless your artist is really good at camouflage. But, free tattoo, so if the tattoo you want fit those parameters and you like the artist anyway it’d be worth it.
Hell, I can totally imagine people who’d love a nipple tattoo on their leg
Cover my legs in nipples
I was going to say I know a woman who’d totally go for that, but that’s not true, I know at least two and several maybes
I don’t have any tattoos, but a pair of nipples on my shoulder blades is fully within the parameters of the kind of tattoo I’d get if I got one (two).
I just immediately thought of the phrase “I need that like another asshole on my elbow” and now I want an asshole tattooed on my elbow that is as well done as this nipple.
Wait you’ve already got one asshole on your elbow?
The way it is connected is pretty humerus
If the nipple is the part of the female boob that can’t be exposed, does that mean if the nipple is removed and not replaced, they can walk around topless?
Also, wouldn’t that tattoo on his leg also become taboo? If not, then a tattooed nipple on the boob would also be acceptable to show.
In countries with proper laws men and women are treated equally
You can always walk around topless and anyone who says otherwise is a cop
I dunno man, I think I’d ask to keep it instead of covering it. What a cool story to tell, while also helping someone who wants to help others.
Yeah, I tell everyone that’s where my familiar drinks from.