I have imposter syndrome, both at work and in my relationship.
Posting things online.
I have no “traditional” social media accounts, and over half the comments I type here I delete without posting. I don’t like people judging me & talking behind my back, so my introvert tendencies include semi anonymous things like Lemmy.
My weight fluctuates. Sometimes I bloat up from medicine. Sometimes I can’t eat and lose weight. I can’t seem to just be me and be happy and have people like me no matter what my weight is. It is really frustrating going through your whole life hating your body because of external standards.
“Don’t care what other people think.”
Ok yeah well when you feel like people stare at you and silent judge you all the time, and internally you do the same thing to others and hate yourself even more for being part of the problem.
It’s constant brainwashing of the ‘ideal body’ when the reality is people come in all shapes and sizes. It’s hard to change that mindset when all the ads you see around you tell you differently.
Teeth. Many years of poor dental hygiene.
Take it from me op. Drop the imposter stuff in your relationship, that can kill a relationship. I very nearly lost my wife early on because “I just can’t believe you want to be with me”. That isn’t attractive.
They like you, that’s why they’re with you. They weren’t tricked, you didn’t fool them, they like you. Who you are. All you gotta do is like them back :)
I never feel like I fit in clothing wise no matter what. I’ve figured out a way to make a lot of pocket money and I continually buy clothes and shoes in the hopes that one day I feel right but I seldom do.
How long I’ve been single
I have never been in a relationship in my 36 years, in my daily life I feel secure, but I am fucking terrified when I think about finding a partner, I am interested in finding one as I am getting pissed at allways being alone, but I have no idea on where to start.
It’s just really hard. I would put it up there as one of the most challenging things we do in life. It can be absolutely soul destroying to be rejected.
Not getting enough updootes.
You ever think maybe you don’t have imposter syndrome? You’re just telling yourself you do because it feels like it, but you actually don’t have it at all.
I guess mental health. I am all kinds of fucked up.