Why do you sleep with your hand down the front of your pants? I’ve worked in multiple psych hospitals, for a while exclusively with men and a bunch sleep with their hand on their junk. I thought it was purely an institutional “thing” that they’d picked up to protect the family jewels but then I noticed other men I knew casually doing it, even just while relaxing while awake and one of our security even got fired for falling asleep out on the unit in a patient care area like that, so it must be comfy, but is that the only reason?
Your body is making sure it can still do that. Like literally checking that it can and also doing basic maintenance / resource delivery to make sure it will continue to be able to.
You’ll notice them in the morning most because a) you’re awake and b) you’ve had several hours for your bladder to fill, probably enough that you need to relieve it. This puts physical pressure on the sacral nerve, causing the erection. In turn, the erection closes the sphincter to the bladder more tightly because getting urine in the vagina during sex would change the pH and possibly kill sperm you have deposited/will deposit, which makes not tightening that sphincter an evolutionarily disadvantageous trait. This does make it something of a self-reinforcing cycle, though.
If you have a guy in your life that you are intimate with, try it out. Hang out on the couch cuddled up to him and give the boys a hand cuddle. You can also do him a favor and check for lumps while you are there.
I think it’s common, but not universal. I sleep on my side hugging a 2nd pillow. That’s the most comfortable for me. When I wake up in a weird position, it’s on my back with arms splayed out like a gunshot victim.
In the rare occasion I wear something to bed, I’ve never done this. If I’ve done it in my sleep, I don’t recall waking up that way or anyone ever commenting on it. My wife will sometimes sit with her hand in her pants on the sofa, kinda like Al Bundy.
That wasn’t supposed to be offensive “bro”. perhaps if you read it you’d see its not a “sign of autism” per se, but of neuro-atypicality. You could have read this and gone “wow, I DO sleep like that, maybe I should look into this” or “No not quite like that” but sure, you go to with the “Random internet stranger called me autistic” response.
Why do you sleep with your hand down the front of your pants? I’ve worked in multiple psych hospitals, for a while exclusively with men and a bunch sleep with their hand on their junk. I thought it was purely an institutional “thing” that they’d picked up to protect the family jewels but then I noticed other men I knew casually doing it, even just while relaxing while awake and one of our security even got fired for falling asleep out on the unit in a patient care area like that, so it must be comfy, but is that the only reason?
I can not answer why, but I’ve been told I do it too.
And wake up holding my junk a lot of the time.
A lot of the times it’s definitely to reposition balls.
So sometimes not because it’s comfortable per se (and it is), but because doing it avoids possible discomfort, I guess.
Also, morning wood. What’s that about? What’s the benefit of getting an erection when we wake up? O.o
When we sleep our body releases hormones that encourages blood flow in our body. Better blood flow means boner.
Your body is making sure it can still do that. Like literally checking that it can and also doing basic maintenance / resource delivery to make sure it will continue to be able to.This was the thing I learned today
Yeah this is an answer I’ve heard, but it’s sort of generalised.
I’d like a every detailed medical explanation on why it happens specifically when waking up.
It’s the wrong answer. Also, it’s not just when you wake up - it’s at various times during the night. The real answer is the sacral nerve: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/men-get-morning-erections-5-answers-questions
You’ll notice them in the morning most because a) you’re awake and b) you’ve had several hours for your bladder to fill, probably enough that you need to relieve it. This puts physical pressure on the sacral nerve, causing the erection. In turn, the erection closes the sphincter to the bladder more tightly because getting urine in the vagina during sex would change the pH and possibly kill sperm you have deposited/will deposit, which makes not tightening that sphincter an evolutionarily disadvantageous trait. This does make it something of a self-reinforcing cycle, though.
Yeah, it’s just secure and comfortable.
Balls aren’t directly sexual, but holding onto them can be like rubbing your eyes, just kind of non-specifically pleasant.
If you have a guy in your life that you are intimate with, try it out. Hang out on the couch cuddled up to him and give the boys a hand cuddle. You can also do him a favor and check for lumps while you are there.
I think it’s common, but not universal. I sleep on my side hugging a 2nd pillow. That’s the most comfortable for me. When I wake up in a weird position, it’s on my back with arms splayed out like a gunshot victim.
Finally someone else who sleeps hugging a pillow.
In the rare occasion I wear something to bed, I’ve never done this. If I’ve done it in my sleep, I don’t recall waking up that way or anyone ever commenting on it. My wife will sometimes sit with her hand in her pants on the sofa, kinda like Al Bundy.
I’ve never even heard of this before. My hands are typically near my head/shoulders when I wake up.
Sounds like you sleep with Dinosaur hands
“Hey this guy doesn’t sleep with his hands on his dick, let’s call him autistic” very nuanced bro
That wasn’t supposed to be offensive “bro”. perhaps if you read it you’d see its not a “sign of autism” per se, but of neuro-atypicality. You could have read this and gone “wow, I DO sleep like that, maybe I should look into this” or “No not quite like that” but sure, you go to with the “Random internet stranger called me autistic” response.
Are you sure I too have Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Using your belt/waistband is a comfortable and good way of stopping your arms dangling and flopping around while you relax/sleep.
This would explain the institutional connection, cots can be narrow.