Sometime, probably close to 20 years ago, but perhaps more recently, you heard a dial tone for the last time and you didn’t even realize it would be.
Sometime, probably close to 20 years ago, but perhaps more recently, you heard a dial tone for the last time and you didn’t even realize it would be.
I still hear a dial-up modem when I close my eyes
But can you tell the difference between 28.8 and 33.6 just by listening?
We tech support folks used to be able to discern a legit US Robotics 56K over a software modem. By listening to our customers connect.
300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 19.2, and 56k yes.
I don’t remember 28.8 and 33.6 sounds, though. I guess my life has been for nothing :(
Don’t forget 14.4
I don’t understand the need for these. I can’t read text faster than 300 baud anyway.
Wait until this guy learns about webtv, and its ability to load a 320x480 jpg in a little under 10 minutes.
I used to confuse my 56k modem in 1998. I used to pick up the phone and make modem noises. It used to “connect”, and then IMMEDIATELY spew out a diarrea of errors that it wasn’t connected.
I miss the 90s…