These articles are useless without a damn list
no list of apps anywhere
Am I just missing it, or is there no list of of these infected apps on the posted article or the reference the article links to. To me, that is the most important information.
It is about halfway down the article, but you have to dodge a few adds to get to that part.
“The two apps mentioned in the report were called “PDF Reader and File Manager” by Tsarka Watchfaces and “QR Reader and File Manager” by risovanul.”
Well, I did miss that, I was skimming for something like a large list or table. That still leaves 86/90+ unlisted.
Can’t steal my bank info if I use cash only…
You’re only robbing yourself if you go cash only. $1 will be worth less tomorrow than it is today.
The $1 in your scam account is worth the same as a real $1 bill. Maybe less when the entire financial system inevitably collapses in on itself as the rest of the world does and people will actually value real money again.
If that actually happens money is literally just paper at that point.
The $1 in my account actually grows. Sorry you don’t understand basic finance.
It “grows” because you don’t own it and these scamming places want to encourage you to “invest” in their scam. It’s like investing in any other scam. At the end you can be screwed over by all these banks – as I have so many times because they don’t care about me or my money – and decide to destroy every bit of savings I have because of some “error” that they ultimately blame on me.
No thank you. I have been scammed by banks (and credit unions) far too many times in my life. They’re just greedy, hateful businesses, like any others, and you shouldn’t trust them. Just part of our capitalist nightmare.
Damn dude. You really have no clue. You lend the bank your money. They can use that money to lend to others. They give you some of the profit.
If you deposited money in a bank, and they told you it’s now their money and you own nothing, then you didn’t deposit money in a bank.
You are clearly leaving out important details. Banks can’t just take your money.
The fact that it seems to have happened multiple times to you is extremely suspicious.
They have. Multiple banks and a credit union. Mismanaged my money and screwed me over while I was trying to get it right leading to owing them huge fees and ultimately no money in the account. Never again.
But just keep throwing money at the scam and have every single store track your purchases by your credit card. I refuse to participate in such a nightmarish society.
Again, I believe you are leaving out key details. They didn’t just take your money.
My assumption is that you didn’t understand how banking fees work and overdrafted your account or something. Perhaps got a credit card and only made minimum payments, which essentially just covers the interest.
How though. Over here cash isn’t accepted anymore at most places. I only use cash for buying drugs. Most stores and groceries only accept card. Same with bars and clubs. I honestly have no idea besides drugs what to use cash for.
I cannot imagine such a dystopian, nightmarish place where you can only pay with something that personally identifies you. Congrats for living in a nightmare. I’d leave.
Yeah, sure, where to? I live in the Netherlands, one of the wealthiest countries. I’ve seen many parts of the world in my time in the navy. There aren’t many places better then here, honestly. Only Norway scores higher, they have a lot of things worked out much better then the rest of us. But paying with plastic is very common there too. Also, digitalization doesn’t have to be bad. Look at Estonia, I think many countries can benefit from their system. See here a video on it by Kraut. There’s a difference between digitalization and a system like China has. But my expenses should be private at least, so cash would be best. They just make it harder every day. We used to be able to say “I’m not interesting, no one cares what I do, no one is going to check me”. But now we have AI, now every one of us indeed IS interesting. And everyone is being checked to teach the algorithm. Countries with few laws to protect privacy and welfare of it’s inhabitants, like the US for example, can turn to a totalitarian control state in no time with just one crazy idiot as a leader. At least the US never had idiots as president 👀. At least the US doesn’t have a history of wanting to collect everyone’s data 👀. At least they are not actively doing anything with the data, like China or Russia does 👀.
But on your point of living in a dystopian world: Yeah, we fucking do. But it doesn’t matter where we live. It’s dystopian everywhere. We live in World War III while we have to fight to get the bare minimum of privacy, we must work our ass off for the bare minimum of living standards and we buy products we do not own. Difference between the rich and poor has never been as high as now and the military strongest countries are run by idiots and dictators. Mass amount of people see Elon Musk as our savior for a better future, the biggest narcissistic hypocritical scam artist our there. At least Trump isn’t president anymore. Oh wait… Seriously, the movie Idiocracy isn’t a comedy, it’s a documentary. I seriously think the US would benefit if it had Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho as president over Trump.
While the rest of the world turns more extremist every day (especially right wing) with rising world tensions.
So if I plan on moving it will be out of the world of the living at best.
It’s funny how in our dystopian America (and I agree, it is), at least we can still pay for things anonymously.
What a concept.
Aren’t apps on android hermetically sealed from other apps and malware. How could this be achieved ?
Yes, the app doesn’t steal any information from other apps. The report says the malware just displays a fake bank login page, in the hope the user gives it their details willingly.
As a developer this question is hilarious to me
As a curious Android user this comment is useless to me
For a real answer here’s the Zscaler blog write up:
It looks like they are doing it after app install with a malicious patch. This patch asks for SMS and accessibility access to gain privileges necessary to get into the banking apps. I haven’t thoroughly read it but just looking at the attack chain that’s what I gleaned.
Ugh, TIL zscaler actually does more than just send my PII to the USA without my consent.
As an Android developer that comment makes me sad. Then I remind myself that Lemmy is full of people who migrated from Reddit.
We each have our specialties, and it would be unreasonable to ask that everyone share yours.
Dude, do you not want people on this platform? Reddit migrants come with baggage yes but I’d rather that than the husk that was Lemmy before.
I’m not gonna scream back at you,… I’m just going to walk back… very… very… slowly…errrrrrrr