Not all women are money slaves, there is still ones who feel attracted to power and intelligence(egoist intelligence sometimes but intelligence at the end), money it’s just a side effect of that conbination.
Nowadays social power it’s very attractive like men on TV or social media influencers.
Donald Trump was born rich. His college professor called him the dumbest student he’d ever had. When Trump had a chance to get in good with the art world by preserving a beautiful building he promised to save it, then destroyed it, then told everyone that the building was ugly and no one wanted it saved.
Donald Trump was convicted in New York because he’d written down the details of his criminal conspiracy.
I didn’t believe he is a genius, but to be fair you need a decent level of intelligence to keep being rich, specially nowadays in this hiperconsumist and superfluous society.
What do you call what Melania did? Do you really think it was a love match? That she’d have looked at him twice if he was broke?
Not all women are money slaves, there is still ones who feel attracted to power and intelligence(egoist intelligence sometimes but intelligence at the end), money it’s just a side effect of that conbination.
Nowadays social power it’s very attractive like men on TV or social media influencers.
Donald Trump was born rich. His college professor called him the dumbest student he’d ever had. When Trump had a chance to get in good with the art world by preserving a beautiful building he promised to save it, then destroyed it, then told everyone that the building was ugly and no one wanted it saved.
Donald Trump was convicted in New York because he’d written down the details of his criminal conspiracy.
Melania didn’t marry Trump for his brains.
I didn’t believe he is a genius, but to be fair you need a decent level of intelligence to keep being rich, specially nowadays in this hiperconsumist and superfluous society.
If he is a psychopath it’s another subject.
Rich people do not equal to Intelligence. What kind of fucked up logic is that?
Let me guess you believe autist people are geniuses?