About a month ago I switched to Linux mint from windows 11.
The first thing I noticed was mint being faster and less bloated than windows 11.
I also liked having actual control over my settings without a corporation being able to undo them at will.
Another thing I noticed was not having to add extensions to text files to run as a program instead having the option in properties.
For certain windows programs and games I was able to use wine which was great because I like to use gamemaker 8.1 which was made before they added linux support.
I tried different wine environments starting with bottles then trying Steam proton and Lutris. With Lutris being the one I ended up using due to it being the only one that I could get to run every program I needed.
The ms paint alternative called drawing took some use to due to it automatically cropping out parts of the image outside of the line when pasting in a screenshot from the clipboard.
Although I do still miss ms paint but that is mostly nostalgia.
Fortunately there is an option to save the screenshot after taking it.
Migrating from windows I appreciate the SUPER key bringing up a menu on the bottom left which brings up some apps and the search bar. Which always searches on the OS unlike windows 11 which sometimes searches the internet instead.
Another detail I noticed is if you type paint or notepad in the search it brings up drawing and the text editor which is nice for people transitioning to Linux.
Being able to move the panel or add new ones was also a breath of fresh air from windows 11 making the task bar more restrictive.
Having the option of deb packages and flatpacks is really useful as well.
I also no longer have to worry about telemetry or microsoft trying to show me ads or pop ups.
TL:DR Mint is a way better experience than windows 11.
This is satire, right?
I don’t see why it would be. These problems seem pretty ordinary to me.
They sound made up to me and not at all indicative of my last 3 years daily driving Linux. The cherry on top is blaming Linux for multiple cases of teams being ass
Launching a program from cli is a basic first troubleshooting step, davinci resolve being such a big program means a bug will happen at some point.
Fat being a bitch to deal with is old news.
Flatpack password prompt problem was easily verified with google. So was popos missing a paint application by default. Same with rocky 9 kernal paremeters being changed in grub.
Ignoring the part of this where the context makes no sense for a satire post, why would you assume your experience, being a positive one, would be the same as everyone else?
Blaming anyone is a waste of breath.
It doesn’t matter whose fault it is. What matters is that it doesn’t work.
Surprise! Absolute trash software doesn’t work. And guess what, Teams is total dogshit on mac as well.
After reading the following thread: If you don’t have anything of value to add, why comment?
What one person views as a problem/inconvenience will vary from person to person. Just because you have 25 years of experience doesn’t mean you get to dictate what constitutes as a problem or inconvenience for another.
This was from a month ago. If you think I’m combing back through all of this to defend my comment, you’re insane.
I don’t care to read a “defense” from you. We don’t need gatekeeping, belittling, or general arrogance in any Linux community. This isn’t an attack, this is simply a friendly reminder to do better.
Maybe you could also remind the person bending over backwards to shit on Linux in general that they can read a post about Linux without shitting on it?
Stating issues you have with something isn’t “shitting” on anything.
I use Linux, and have for many years, but that doesn’t make it perfect or free of issues.
No one is saying it’s “free of issues”. I just don’t really take kindly to someone’s opinion who lists multiple instances of MS teams being shit as reasons linux is unusable.
Stating issues with Teams on Linux isn’t blaming Linux by default.
How is this laying blame on anyone? It wasn’t blaming Linux, or blaming Microsoft, or blaming anyone. It was a statement of what issues they were having.
You are not taking too kindly based on inferences you have made. Are you sincerely this dense?
No one really gives a shit that you wanna come stir up controversy about a month old conversation.