the people I know don’t listen and often hear the opposite of what I say. That’s why I have to repeat myself a lot.

    9 months ago

    I’ve been diagnosed with Asperger’s.

    I’m constantly astounded that people on the spectrum assume that they’re absolutely, 100% right, and that the problem is always everyone else. If I’m saying something, and no one around me is understanding what I’m saying, then the problem is clearly not everyone else. The very clear, and obvious problem is that I’m not communicating clearly -or- effectively.

    More often than not, I find that I’ve omitted something that seems blindingly, patently obvious to me, but no one else was aware of because I entirely failed to communicate it.

    This is a hallmark of being on the spectrum; people think that because they see things one way, everyone else must be able to see the same thing.