1 point for the episode/main plot. 1 point for the joke/scene.
Also points are made up and don’t matter
Let me have one of those pоrnо magazines, large box of cоndоms… a bottle of Old Harper, a couple of those panty shields… and some illegal fireworks… and one of those disposable enemas- no, make it two.
My apologies sir, but the sale of fireworks is prohibited in this state and is punishable by a- follow meee.
Gee, I don’t know what you’ve got planned for tonight, Homer, but count me out!
Put food in me.
Iirc she was the book character trying to get Lisa to read the book, then switched to try to warn Lisa, at which point the guy pointed the gun at her.
That’s the setup… But why?
Because she doesn’t want to spend her whole vacation in a library but F that. Libraries rule!
Like… y’know… whatever.
Come travel the 7 seas with me Lisa…let me live again!!
Don’t do it Lisa, it’s a trick!