There’s a process for ‘challenging facts’, it’s called the scientific method.
What these people are doing is called the moronic method.
But it’s so much easier if you just start with a conclusion instead of all the way back at observation. You don’t have to do any work for soundness at all, just ignore facts that disagree with what you want to believe.
Sooo I’m a continuous improvement manager and work on process improvement, basically the scientific method for processes. The #1 rule I tell people when we sit down to tackle an issue is “The solution can’t be in the problem statement.” Then, they spend 5 days trying to challenge that rule instead of working with the observations and data.
but surely if I just write the perfect email all business issues will be solved and we’ll make millions?
Sometimes people don’t have a conclusion, they just want a more entertaining explanation than reality.
Conspiracy theories are so close to the scientific method. They’re looking at data, drawing conclusions from them. They can disagree with each other in a civil way like scientists do. These people aren’t dumb, it’s some kind of mental problem. I think it’s the same mental problem that can turn you into a sovcit if it happens in the legal field. These people need mental help
My biology teacher and chemistry teacher were friends
My biology teacher told us once that the Jewish government is trying to trick kids in schools from Romania to become trans to solve overpopulation by telling them to take a pill to look better
My chemistry teacher told us once that the Egyptians advanced technologically much faster than the rest of the world(saying that there are phone drawings in the pyramids),but since they were isolated, all the technology got destroyed from a nuclear war(or the equivalent of that)
Fortunately, no one was paying attention
Has anyone found a wall socket on the side of a pyramid, or maybe even a USB socket to recharge a phone?
It’s all wireless
>build pyramid for energy
>open it up
>dead bodiesThe dead bodies were the people who knew too much and were “suicided” by the establishment to silence them.
Remember that there’s always an explanation when you can just make stuff up as you go.
I challenge you to find a massive power plant done by unlicensed electricians that doesn’t have dead bodies.
Nah man, they are straight up wrong. I know for a fact it’s not for energy.
I saw a documentary back in the mid 90’s that CLEARLY showed it was a landing pad for pyramid shaped alien spacecraft.
Can confirm, I also saw this documentary.
Yeah, but didn’t Kurt Russell and James Spader nuke the ship?
They’re for sharpening razor blades. I mean, duh.
Not so much as a circuit.
The canopic jars are actually early battery designs. They were much more efficient than any batteries we have today - they produced almost unlimited energy and were very cheap and easy to make (just look at how many there are), but the government (which is secretly run by lizard people by the way, do your own research and educate yourself) covered it up and created the BURIAL CHAMBER MYTH to keep us reliant on fossil fuels.
You had me in the first half.
Nah, too much punctuation and not enough random capitalization.
And no allusions to the bible. How am I supposed to know I can trust them?
I know Americans live in the land of the free and all, but this is legal? How is this not child abuse? When I was a kid, I remember my dad telling me that having the dome light on in the car was illegal, which I believed for YEARS. The children are going to be fucked. It’s like they don’t even want them to be contributing members of society.
There are plenty of lobbying groups that do their best to make sure you can teach your child whatever you want.
i can’t fathom how a so-called developed nation can allow their children not just stay uneducated but to be completely miseducated like this. education is a human right.
Because it’s also this nation:
Hey, I’ve seen this stuff before!
It was in the book Foundation by Asimov!
What did it say this means?
“Top contributor” indeed.
“Master Shitposter”.
I feel like the top contributor tag on facebook is almost universally an indicator of a deranged mind.
So their goal is to make sure their kids never get stem careers and sounds stupid. Got it.
Or in other words, it’s to make sure that those kids stay in the cult of stupid. Ignorant and stupid people are easier to control, both by external grifters, but also by the parents.
Is that dickhead seriously using an azimuthal equidistant globe projection as a flat Earth map? How do they suppose that works?
Tartaria? What on earth do world fairs have to do with anything
Welcome to this particularly crazy rabbit hole…
‘A product of Russian nationalism’
The comment by misspelled-Victoria makes me mad
Educating kids by YouTube videos. And that’s apparently legal.
Go ahead and educate your kids with Technology Connections or something as a supplement to school, but goodness choose your own facts?!
Amazing how you can mistreat your kids in all kinds of ways. Chain-smoke cigarettes next to their crib, homeschool them lies, inappropriate sexualization, constant screen time, physical punishment…
Florida made it okay to use prageru videos in classes
Florida is a doghole that no more merits the tread of a man’s foot.
Its Russian spelling, в(v)и(i)к(k)т(t)о(o)р®и(i)я(ya).
Doesn’t look misspelled to me. Her last name is Gagarina, maybe it is the proper spelling in Russian.
Still misspelled then, got it.
I’m all for critical thinking and not taking everything folks tell you for truth.
That said, I’m fully against being a complete waste of oxygen (or in this case, datacenter space)
I wouldn’t even call this critical thinking as the commenter stated, “let them choose what they want to believe.” Sounds like someone picking their preferred religion not thinking critically and allowing evidence to guide their decision. Not to mention the whole aspect of the parental figure leading them astray from established fact in the first place and making them think these theories have any sort of legitimacy.
What’s the point they’re making about the fairs?
Early Edison and Westinghouse demos? Imagine if someone made a pyramid charged with a Tesla coil. These fucks would see statically charged hair and a metal pyramid and that’s that.
Some buildings were created quickly with the intention of being temporary. I believe they may have used new techniques for the time as well. Because they were built so quickly, and were inspired by ancient architecture, some people have decided that they were rediscovered and/or moved or something like that.