The canopic jars are actually early battery designs. They were much more efficient than any batteries we have today - they produced almost unlimited energy and were very cheap and easy to make (just look at how many there are), but the government (which is secretly run by lizard people by the way, do your own research and educate yourself) covered it up and created the BURIAL CHAMBER MYTH to keep us reliant on fossil fuels.
Has anyone found a wall socket on the side of a pyramid, or maybe even a USB socket to recharge a phone?
Nah man, they are straight up wrong. I know for a fact it’s not for energy.
I saw a documentary back in the mid 90’s that CLEARLY showed it was a landing pad for pyramid shaped alien spacecraft.
Can confirm, I also saw this documentary.
Yeah, but didn’t Kurt Russell and James Spader nuke the ship?
They’re for sharpening razor blades. I mean, duh.
It’s all wireless
>build pyramid for energy
>open it up
>dead bodies
The dead bodies were the people who knew too much and were “suicided” by the establishment to silence them.
Remember that there’s always an explanation when you can just make stuff up as you go.
I challenge you to find a massive power plant done by unlicensed electricians that doesn’t have dead bodies.
Not so much as a circuit.
The canopic jars are actually early battery designs. They were much more efficient than any batteries we have today - they produced almost unlimited energy and were very cheap and easy to make (just look at how many there are), but the government (which is secretly run by lizard people by the way, do your own research and educate yourself) covered it up and created the BURIAL CHAMBER MYTH to keep us reliant on fossil fuels.
You had me in the first half.
Nah, too much punctuation and not enough random capitalization.
And no allusions to the bible. How am I supposed to know I can trust them?