You definitely had the ability to invest in the US/UK stock markets from Berlin during the 1920s. The Black Tuesday 1929 Wall Street crash kicked off a shockwave of economic contraction that toppled multiple European governments, Germany included.
I have to assume that a hypothetical alt-history Hitler who was heavily invested in the DOW Jones in 1929 would have felt just about the same way.
I’m not sure how many stock options there were in 19th century rural Austria.
You definitely had the ability to invest in the US/UK stock markets from Berlin during the 1920s. The Black Tuesday 1929 Wall Street crash kicked off a shockwave of economic contraction that toppled multiple European governments, Germany included.
I have to assume that a hypothetical alt-history Hitler who was heavily invested in the DOW Jones in 1929 would have felt just about the same way.
In 1929 Hitler was already well and truly…well, Hitler, and hated the “Jewish” stock market.