IMO we need to stop humanizing robots. There is no reason for a robot to be human in form. Form should match function. Furthermore, a humanoid robots elicit feelings from people that are not helpful or healthy. There are people who might
adviseabuse a robot because it isn’t an actual person, it doesn’t mean that their abuse is less mentally ill. They should be viewed as a machine and treated as such, no better than a car.Good ol’ CNN post-purchase. Chasing racism and sensationalism over actual news…
White is an excellent color for a complicated robot. Marks aren’t hidden. It’s not taking light away when looking in at hardware, it doesn’t shade surroundings as much, and it matches every other damn piece of scientific equipment they throw in to labs, too.
Color neutral and bright has utility purpose. CNN is too stupid and dishonest to know that.
Also, it’s not an actual skin color.
actually, if we’re painting them black, isn’t that just blackface now?
AI taking Republican jobs.
Also isn’t white just the natural plastic coloring before any dye?
Yup. It’s like giving you a silver car free from primer, paint and clear coat. It would save the manufacturer oodles of cash.
And I’d also like to remind people that news’s primary focus is not to report facts, but generate sales. The way they do that is spinning events in any way shape or form. Even going so far as not covering certain topics because it may hurt their bottom line.
The worst thing they did was convince people they were unbiased and trustworthy.
Yeah, most plastics are either transparent or milky white-ish without colourings or additives.
Wow the racist just keeps getting deeper and deeper
I’m so fucking sick of everything being politicized. Now we’re doing it with fucking plastic…
Turns out lighter colors are perceived as cleaner and friendlier.
Or maybe hospitals are racist too? Or we need more hospitals with black walls and floors.
I dunno about friendlier, but it’s certainly easier to see dirt and stains, which makes it easier to keep clean.
We could call them gothpitals.
Anyone remember the movie Ice Pirates? There’s a whole scene in there about the color of the robot.
Only you, RedLetterMedia, and everyone who watched that episode.
I saw it in the theater as a kid. Love that crazy movie.
“Why did you make it black?”
“Cause I wanted it to be perfect.”
Aren’t most plastics white or yellow by default? Making them other colors requires adding dye. Clear might be an option but it might be a little uncanny valley style morbid to see their parts moving around under their “skin”.
I read recently that white plastic was the more expensive color to produce. I wanted to cite/link a source but internet search is frustratingly bad these days.
Edit: Not quite what I read but close enough.
I remember seeing someone talking about pipes and recommending white pipes for hot water, because you can’t recycle plastic into white color and recycled plastic had less thermal resistance (isn’t that white pipes had more thermal resistance, but that white pipes are probably not recycled).
That’s a regulated thing already, you can’t just decide to use one color or another, pluming regulations have designated use for black pipe, blue pipe, white pipe, that I’m aware of, but I couldn’t say exactly, I only sold the stuff, I just know when a contractor says ‘‘I need [color] [material] [size]’’ there’s no alternative pipe they can use.
That’s a regulated thing [where I live] already…
No everywhere have the same regulations.
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