Enjoy this low bandwidth meme
Police unsettled when homicide victim speaks up. Shot on sight.
…and their dog
Private investigator and [pie maker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ned_(Pushing_Daisies\)) seen leaving the scene.
Do you see what the title of this article is implying?? Dead people rarely talk to police but SOMETIMES THEY DO 😳👻
Hell Boy got them to talk!
The level of necromancy skills among today’s detectives leaves a lot to be desired
I’d consider a friend of mine a victim. His wife was murdered in a home invasion gone terribly wrong. My friend was half way across the country when the murder occurred, and yet since lots of murders involve spouses the cops focused on him at first. Eventually it was discovered a handyman they had hired was the true killer and my friend had nothing to do with it.
Yet another example of why you never talk to the police without your lawyer present…
I imagine they’re talking about people who have a threat on their life and don’t talk to the police prior to the final incident. Think stalkers, abusive partners, etc.
Don’t make excuses for poor writing.
Aw dangit, you made this hilarious article make sense and almost took the funny away.
We need to defund militarization of police and support funding for séances.
Torchwood had no comment on the matter. Cpt Harkness simply laughed at us.
There are just not enough skillles mediums and necromancers around. What can you do?
Link rot is real sadly but here is the closest I could find to the original article and it’s just the same publication referencing how it got onto The Tonight Show.
Basically the gist is that some victims don’t die immediately after getting homicide-d and so have time to speak to the police.
There’s a real stigma about being a homicide victim.
Yeah, the stigma of becoming mute & dumb after being murdered.
Having played the 1:1 simulation of police work that is Disco Elysium, I beg to differ.
Thanks for reminding me I need to finally play it.
how closely that word resembles RELIGION and I had to do a doubletake,
if this article was categorized under RELIGION, it would be about murder victims speaking from the great beyond.
“You stole my Jesus fish!”