They already have self-driving tractors that are locked down by John Deere so not a far fetch reality there.
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One late payment and John Deer sends a command to drive to the nearest dealer. I’d start leaving my vehicles nearly out of fuel if that started happening.
Watch them start putting in a reserve power supply (batteries or some such) to thwart this.
Cowboys are starting to tie the wheels of their machines together. Lasso is always in reach to catch the runaway.
That makes my mind go to keeping their equipment in pens, like concrete block wall pens. Right next to the livestock so it can’t escape.
And that’s a really silly idea, but probably not all that far off.
With the rise of AI companions it’s only a matter of time until there’s a country song about how their robot girlfriend broke down.
It’s a fucking scarecrow again!
Sorry I thought it was a human woman