If you go to the wiki list and read some of the back stories… Begging. A lot of them just relied on handouts to eat. Not too different from regular homelessness.
Begging and panhandling essentially. It’s not really any different than homeless people hanging out at the mall, only safer because everyone has gone through a security screening.
Second question: How does one afford to live in an airport?
If you go to the wiki list and read some of the back stories… Begging. A lot of them just relied on handouts to eat. Not too different from regular homelessness.
With air conditioning. Hey buddy, can you buy me a $10 cup ‘o coffee? Tho’ I could def. see this being a sort of funky, off beat vacation destination.
Free housing. How can people afford to live somewhere else in this economy is the better question.
It’s the food cost I wonder about. I assume all other needs are relatively accessible at an airport for free.
Begging and panhandling essentially. It’s not really any different than homeless people hanging out at the mall, only safer because everyone has gone through a security screening.