LibreTube - uses Piped as video source by default. Subscriptions and playlists can be created, all without actually interacting with YouTube.
Clipious - uses Invidious as the video source. Also allows for subscribing and accounts. Lesser known client
NewPipe - Gets the source directly from YT. Allows for subscribing and creating playlists
Additionally, there’s also ReVanced that lets you patch the regular YT app to include useful features.
Ads blocking and background playing to visit on youtube vanced apk
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Grayjay is propertiary. Just giving a heads up
FreeTube on Android? Where do I find that?
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FreeTube Cordova it is called
All I want is an ad-free YouTube app that lets me cast on Chromecast directly.
So far nothing worked properly. Any ideas? I’m using a Pixel 4A.
Grayjay, it has all those features.
I’ll give it a shot
GrayJay doesn’t cast to Chromecast, it uses F-Cast instead which isn’t on every platform.
Well I was able to cast on Chromecast. But it was a little unstable.
youtube vanced is best ads free music player
I use WebVideoCaster on roku for this.
But I don’t have Roku
Web Video Caster can cast to a large number of devices, Chromecast included. It has a lot of companion apps too on several smart TV platforms, all for the sake of getting your media played back on another device.
Doesn’t ReVanced work?
Revanced casting doesn’t work for me
I tried, it worked locally but I couldn’t cast on Chromecast
This was me when Invidious and Piped were being attacked by Youtube and Newpipe had a hiatus.
Tubular is a Newpipe fork with Sponsor Block integrated for anyone interested.
That’s a sweet icon pack
Ty, the pack ia called Arcticons if you want to test it.
Libretube seems to almost never work for me no matter what instance i try.
Also worth adding Smarttube for AndroidTVI also want to drop Grayjay in here. It supports YouTube and can also be used to view other platforms like Twitch, Odysee, PeerTube, etc. It uses plugins, so you can develop a plugin for the video platform you want to be able to use in Grayjay. Grayjay also has this Polycentric “decentralized” database so that you can comment and like the videos in those aforementioned platforms.
It’s good and everything (although it was a bit rough around the edges here and there), but is a no-go for me personally, unless they’ve changed their license. When I last checked it wad not open source, but merely source available since the license basically said you’re not allowed to modify the source code period. AGPL would’ve been a far better choice
I’ve been using pipe-viewer (formerly/alternatively youtube-viewer) for years. It’s an extremely minimal yet feature-rich and customizable perl youtube client, designed to be used without a google api key (If you want to use an account, use youtube-viewer instead). No other client I’ve tried comes close in my experience (I’ve tried Freetube (bloated), Minitube (buggy, feature incomplete, uses embedded player), Newpipe (restricted to android)).
Also works great on mobile, and can be used with a Gtk-perl client for people who want a graphical client. It can also be used with any native video player, like mpv or mplayer (and adding an unsupported player is trivial in the config).
Might be a dumb question but why not just use Piped?
Well, you still need a client if you’re on mobile. I’m not going to watch my video essays through a browser if I can do it through an app. I use libretube which ends up being Piped under the hood, it’s just smoother.
I also used to use revanced because it allowed me to keep a few public playlists up to date (something you can only do by interfacing with Youtube). People have their reasons for things.
This is, in fact, a dumb question
Wait, revanced works again?
Sure does. I’ve been using it for a few months.
Normal stopped a while ago but extended is working well
Regular ReVance works just fine. Installed it to my wife’s phone just earlier today.
LibreTube is OP but Piped is a joke. Disable that shit.
What’s the issue with piped?
…it doesn’t work. Like, ever. Same with all of these other frontends like invidious, teddit, rimgo, bibliogram, etc.
Doing it wrong.
I didn’t do anything but install the app…
Nome of the frontends you mentioned have apps.
Bruh. LibreTube? The app this thread was about? Hello?
Same with all of these other frontends like invidious, teddit, rimgo, bibliogram,
This you?
Besides which… it’s well understood that all of these apps are brittle as in they stop working every other day when youtube changes whatever thing so they stop working.
In the case of newpipe for example, if you install from the app store or even f-droid the version there will be a few weeks old and just won’t work. The best approach is to install the apk and allow it to update itself when a new version is released. I’ve been using newpipe for several years in this manner and it’s very reliable.
Er go, if it doesn’t work for you, you’re doing it wrong.
But it’s still going to Google’s server this traffic. I’d like something that is not YouTube but then there are no creators on these other places. Maybe I’ll buy one of those nebula/floatplane stuff?