This seems to be the same art style and kind of humor as Brad Neely.
As Brad was most popular 14 to 16 years ago, he was one of the original people to go viral on youtube with silly animated shorts.
Its been a while but I’m fairly sure the six fingers is an intentional in-joke from one of these early YT vids.
It could be an homage to that, the same artist… probably not AI as AI that generates images is notoriously bad at generated sensible text or signs or what not in said images.
AI generated art is everywhere now.
Edit: The ai comment is a joke because the postman has six fingers.
It’s not AI generated. It’s the same guy that gave us this
who is this guy and where can i find more
chris (simpsons artist)
This seems to be the same art style and kind of humor as Brad Neely.
As Brad was most popular 14 to 16 years ago, he was one of the original people to go viral on youtube with silly animated shorts.
Its been a while but I’m fairly sure the six fingers is an intentional in-joke from one of these early YT vids.
It could be an homage to that, the same artist… probably not AI as AI that generates images is notoriously bad at generated sensible text or signs or what not in said images.
Washington, Washington. 6 foot 8 made of radiation
Lol. Maybe AI art uses Chris (Simpsons artist) in its training sets! It would explain the hands
I love me some AI art but this ain’t it. If you’re gonna call it out, I recommend playing with it first
Neat, thank you!