Found this gold from r/pomonamike
Says the guy whose deputy was running 100 pounds of fentanyl for the cartels.
Same department that just “lost” another 60 pounds of meth to the cartels.
Says the guy that was part of the Oath Keepers and spends more time talking on Fox News than actually doing his job.
Same guy that is watching crime rise in our county at the same time surrounding counties seeing a decline? That Chad Bianco? Color me shocked.
This guy is just John Ham’s character from the fifth season of Fargo.
How is he not in jail or under intense investigation by the DEA or FBI?
the DEA and FBI are also corrupt and under cartel influence….
the reason pictures of cops in mexico busting cartels always wear masks is because they go after the individual officers… stuff like, “either take the bribe or we kill your family, here’s a list of their addresses and pictures of them”
aka “make them an offer they can’t refuse”Hey now, don’t forget the Cocaine Importers Agency
Thanks, I knew I needed some context. But, jeepers.
Isn’t the first guy a corrections officer? Not involved with the Sheriff’s Department?
Riverside County Correctional Deputy
Corrections falls under the sheriff’s department.
Better idea, let’s brand all that supported a traitor a traitor as well and bare them from working in any system of government.
The LASD is flush with real literal deputy gangs. To find out a California sheriff is cool with people committing crimes so long as they’re on his team is the least surprising thing I’ve heard in the last month.
His job is to catch and arrest criminals. If he openly supports putting one in charge of the country, then where does he draw his line? All criminals are bad, except Trump? Or all criminals are good? Either way, he should consider a career change
No, his job is to protect capital.
Wait till Trump starts yapping about “cracking down on crime”
thought I was in !