They’re talking about installment plans through your credit card. You pay a fee to split a charge into monthly installments, usually of your choosing. By paying the monthly installment and the rest of your balance from other charges, you can avoid interest kicking in, even while you owe the full amount. The fee is usually a % of the purchase, like 3% or 1% per month or something.
It can make sense on a large one-time purchase, but it’s weird to do it for frequent purchases like groceries.
How many people for how long does that feed? Unless you want to starve on ramen noodles every day or eat only rice, I too don’t see how you’re getting away with less than $100/week per person.
Most groceries only have a shelf life of about a week.
So if you’re only going once a month, either you’re throwing a lot away, or just getting processed, shelf stable stuff that’s in general low on nutrients and overpriced.
They’re talking about installment plans through your credit card. You pay a fee to split a charge into monthly installments, usually of your choosing. By paying the monthly installment and the rest of your balance from other charges, you can avoid interest kicking in, even while you owe the full amount. The fee is usually a % of the purchase, like 3% or 1% per month or something.
It can make sense on a large one-time purchase, but it’s weird to do it for frequent purchases like groceries.
My last trip to the grocery store was $600.
I’d consider that a large purchase.
How many people for how long does that feed? Unless you want to starve on ramen noodles every day or eat only rice, I too don’t see how you’re getting away with less than $100/week per person.
That’s a month for two people.
What kind of psychopath only goes to the grocery store once a month?
Most groceries only have a shelf life of about a week.
So if you’re only going once a month, either you’re throwing a lot away, or just getting processed, shelf stable stuff that’s in general low on nutrients and overpriced.
Most groceries last longer than what people think. Might want to take a look at my other comment about this.