Nope. Hating the bigotry of people who have skin color or another trait in common with yourself does not equal hating yourself. Caucasity is not a trait inherent to all white people.
Contrary to the fantasies of bigots, white people are not one big team united against everyone else.
It’s not really a word. Also it clearly implies something is inherent to “Caucasians” - I can’t be bothered to do any clever wordplay on the other supposed racial categories, but I suspect any equivalent puns might be considered a little problematic, what what?
Since it’s used to convey meaning using letters and people understand that meaning, it by any definition that matters IS a word.
Also it clearly implies something is inherent to “Caucasians”
No. “Particularly Caucasians” ≠ “all Caucasians”.
I can’t be bothered to do any clever wordplay on the other supposed racial categories
Good, because that would likely be punching down, unlike pointing out how audacious some white people are with their privilege.
but I suspect any equivalent puns might be considered a little problematic, what what?
No, they wouldn’t be equivalent. Pointing out white privilege and criticizing those that wield it as both a sword and a shield is not the same as making fun of less privileged people or even white people who are aware of and don’t exploit their privilege.
I get where you’re coming from, but most people who talk about race based inequality aren’t racist against white people, nor do they use words like caucascity to attack all white people but only those who uphold race based power structures (which would be judges, politicians, elites etc)
Nope. Hating the bigotry of people who have skin color or another trait in common with yourself does not equal hating yourself. Caucasity is not a trait inherent to all white people.
Contrary to the fantasies of bigots, white people are not one big team united against everyone else.
It’s not really a word. Also it clearly implies something is inherent to “Caucasians” - I can’t be bothered to do any clever wordplay on the other supposed racial categories, but I suspect any equivalent puns might be considered a little problematic, what what?
Since it’s used to convey meaning using letters and people understand that meaning, it by any definition that matters IS a word.
No. “Particularly Caucasians” ≠ “all Caucasians”.
Good, because that would likely be punching down, unlike pointing out how audacious some white people are with their privilege.
No, they wouldn’t be equivalent. Pointing out white privilege and criticizing those that wield it as both a sword and a shield is not the same as making fun of less privileged people or even white people who are aware of and don’t exploit their privilege.
I don’t agree with you.
Pretty caucasius of you.
I’m actually white, so the joke’s on you.
Nope. The only joke is you.
I get where you’re coming from, but most people who talk about race based inequality aren’t racist against white people, nor do they use words like caucascity to attack all white people but only those who uphold race based power structures (which would be judges, politicians, elites etc)
It’s not actually subjective. That’s just how bigotry and privilege works 🤷
So, racism bad, except against white people?
Lol no
Nope. Pointing out that someone is being racist isn’t itself racist.
I was referring to the whole “punching down” concept.
Still not racism against white people.
No? Isn’t the whole idea that it’s okay to say things about white people that it isn’t okay to say about other races?
Nope. The idea is that it’s okay to say things about white RACISTS that it would make no sense saying about any other people, white or not.
“White racist” isn’t any more a race than for example “black embezzler” or “Japanese bigamist”