And here I thought I was so damn clever
Haha, amazing
Every day I’m saddened by just how unoriginal I am
Don’t feel too bad, humans are gonna human. In your locality, you are likely a very interesting cat.
What kind of bidet do you have and do you like it?
I have the tushy 3.0. And yes I adore it. I don’t know how lived without one for so long.
Also, here’s a blank.
How’d I do?
Fuck this was funny
How did you manage to photoshop that so well
If we’re talking about the top image, I’m just too lazy to try and “bend” the insert to fit. If it’s the blank, I’ve got an “object eraser” that does a decent job.
Oh no
Frosting is worth the squeeze.
I love the smell of a fresh loaf.
Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee.
Bon appétit!
Eat Pray Shit
If you do it right after you pee, the bowl will be sterile
Should I drink a little of the pee to make sure? Scientifically…
Look, ACAB and all, but I would have to citizen’s arrest anybody doing this.
What, licking it, or putting the sign there?
Well definitely the former. Maybe also the latter, because that seems like aiding and abetting.
Grew up hearing that dog slobber was cleaner than a toilet. But really when you come to think if it, that doesn’t exactly instill a lot of confidence. A toilet can be incredibly dirty and nasty, so all dog slobber has to do is be just slightly less disgusting and the old saying is true. Having said that, if you want a truly clean toilet bowl, the only tried and true method is to lick it clean. Tidy Bowl has nothing on saliva and a bit of “elbow grease”, if your tongue were an elbow.
Live, laugh, Intrusive thoughts.
This guy doesn’t need any more encouragement:
Life is short (if you) lick the bowl.
Well great now I need to get a sign.