Almost everything that came after Endgame.
Yeah this is the answer. I was about to list off some movies but realized I actually watched and finished those. I couldn’t even bring myself to finish anything after Endgame besides the last Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
Imo even endgame sucked huge dicks. It was just marvel sucking its own cock on screen and every clapping in the reviews. The movie right before endgame was peak though
Captain Marvel?
I think he means Infinity War, and I agree.
I’m sure you’re right. I was just being an asshole in good fun.
Almosteverything that came after Endgame.
Love and Thunder. The humour felt misplaced.
It just felt like they were trying too hard in every scene. Ragnarok was great, one of the top Marvel movies, but the humor in that was unexpected, it hadn’t really been done like that before with Thor. We were used to this almost Shakespearian Thor, so it was a breath of fresh air. They needed to tone it down some more, maybe actually make it a bit more serious in L&T. They could’ve used it to question religion in general or something even.
Also, Thor getting chained up and stripped down naked was apparently fine for a Disney movie, but when I do it at the theme park I’m a “sex offender” and “exposing myself to minors”, what the fuck Disney?!
It’s got Taika Waititi’s fingerprints all over it. The same way that the Whedon era has his particular style of dialogue and joke setup, Taika has a similar style that’s very recognisable and overdone.
Also the God Butcher was an amazing arc. They wasted Gorr entirely.
They wasted Christian Bale. What a compelling villain he could’ve been if they had actually written a good story
He did do a great job with what they gave him. He’s the only reason the film is bearable, and would have loved to see a more serious and earnest take on that movie.
Eternals. Too many characters, not enough story. It’s also sinfully boring. Not to mention the random Harry Styles cameo that feels like an outtake
After Endgame I think only the spider-man one’s are okay. I stopped watching the rest because I’m pretty fed up with the MCU and going by all their business decisions lately I highly doubt I’d like and of the new content.
I want more movies like Logan, hyper realistic down to earth heroes. Let Denis Villeneuve direct one.
Unfortunately the MCU model is that director vision is cast aside in favour of producer input. It’s why Eternals looks like an artistic Chloe Zhao film, but is a muddled mess of a story. We were deprived of an Edgar Wright Ant-Man film for the same reason
Multiverse of Madness.
Plot was flat.
Characters were portrayed vastly different.
Horror element fell short of goofy.
Fan service characters felt like “last minute additions”.
Wakanda Forever. First part where we’re saying goodbye to Chadwick was good in a sad way, but I couldn’t stand anything else that happened after that. I was just so annoyed with every character, I hated every minute of it.
Secret Invasion is by far the worst Marvel production though, just a total shitshow and primarily what caused me to cancel D+, I was just done with the shitty writing.
Oh wow I completely forgot about Secret Invasion. I don’t think I even finished it, just lost interest.
That’s a tough question. There’s so many; more just keeps coming.
Gestures broadly
probably ant man, as well as any film that prominantly features ant man as a character. the sci-fi nonsense justification of his powers is just way too stupid for me, and it taints everything it touches.
Pym particles are the speed force of the marvel universe.
Whatever the most recent one at the moment is.
But seriously, my wife and I watched all of the Marvel movies in release order from Iron Man through Infinity War. I watched a sone of Endgame and turned it off after a bit. Sounds like we made the right choice.
We also stopped Game of Thrones after season 7 episode 4, which appears to be the ideal place to stop to maintain good memories of the show.
I watched GoT all the way through and found it disappointing. However I’m now doing a rewatch and enjoying it. Looking back, the first season is less creative than I remembered. Its just played with great conviction. There are some great quotes though and the budget for sets and set pieces is amazing.
On rewatch lots of stuff i missed makes more sense now that I’m familiar with the world and characters, even knowing how it ends.
Haven’t seen many, but when I tried rewatching iron man 2 if felt disjointed and tonally weird. And love and thunder was disjointed as well. Not a marvel movie fan at all though.
I would swear there was 20 important minutes missing from Guardians 3
idk I only care about Spider-Man but I had to watch a bunch to understand what was happening in Spider-Man so I was kinda annoyed with everything else.
I refuse to watch a Marvel movie until they make an Asbestos Lady movie and then that will be my favorite.
Until then, they all suck equally.
That summary history tho:
I hate superhero movies. Can’t wait for this crap to be over
You’re not alone brother.
I’m with you. The infantilism of films is so depressing
That wasn’t an answer to the question.
Hello friend! I see you in ! all the time!
Unfortunately (you know me lol) I just can’t get into Marvel stuff at all even though I wish I could.
I believe I’d have to go with Guardians of The Galaxy (II IIRC, the one with the prison scene) specifically because of Uncle Lloyd Kaufman’s non-speaking cameo lmao, and that’s the only reason.Wait I missed a word lol. I guess my answer is kind of “all of them” in that case. I haven’t seen many of them, too, to make a fair comparison.