Have a random kid come over and ask you if you want some soda. If you answer in the affirmative he shouts across the restaurant “MOM, $name WANTS SOME ORANGE SODA! CAN YOU GET US SOME?”
My mom knocked that shit out of us by asking us to come talk, and then asking us to grab her a beer from the drink fridge
Have random people’s brothers sit next to you, or worse - tell you you’re in their seat, then someone has to get another chair for you.
Oh god and all you want to do is stick to your friend who is indifferent to your discomfort.
I like to go out to eat by myself I think it would highten this experience.
I ate at my friend’s home and I was starving. I got yelled at for eating too much. Yikes, still uncomfortable to think about.
Ok but specifically they ask you to pray in any religion but the one you actually practice if you’re religious. Devout catholic, get ready to say grace like a baptist
Praise be!
Hail Satan!
For me that would have been eating on a couch in front of the telly, which was verboten at my house. Do it all the time now, of course.