Hi everyone, i would like to know what makes you stand out from your immediate environment. It could be something physical or a feature that qualifies you.
I’ll go first, i have quite large feet from years of moving around barefooted and while growing up, i had to have shoes custom made as most of the good ones were made in general sizes only, i still have trouble getting shoes.
From my immediate environment? I sit on the toilet, the toilet does not sit on me.
For now
Also I wip with the TP The TP doesn’t wipe with me
the bidet temporarily connects my butthole with a near infinite series of tubes containing pure water and in that moment I am the clean water and the clean water is me
the bidet temporarily connects my butthole
with a near infinite series of tubes
containing pure water and in that moment
I am the clean water and the clean water is me
That’s some wild poetry there.
I’m mixed handed. Not to be confused with being ambidextrous.
Mix handedness (cross dominance) is where each hand is used for different things. I write and use silverware with my left hand but if I were to throw a ball or punch something I’d use my right hand.
Most of the time it results in me not knowing which hand doing a particular thing will be most comfortable with until I do it.
Large body dominance is different from fine motor handedness, write with right hand but stronger left side, cartwheel left hand first. Or vice versa. It is interesting as heck.
I’m one of the vice versa. Fine motor left handed, strength right handed. But yeah not ambidextrous. Even the cart wheel hand is the opposite. I find it interesting that exactly these subjects are vice versa.
I can basically ride a bicycle forever as long as I eat and drink enough, until the lack of sleep overwhelmes me.
People keep commenting on how extremely fit I must be.
But honestly, if you find the right pace it’s like a brisk walk, and if your bike and your clothes fit, it’s more comfortable than that.You must have Dutch blood.
I actually do. I participated in a 1-day 250km group ride in the Netherlands recently. But I did it on easy mode with a road bike, there were people riding a traditional baker’s bike (including the box) while wearing wooden clogs.
I would think the environment factors into that a lot too. I’ve had 30 mile rides kick my ass more than 80 mile rides due to things like hills and wind. But put me on a stationary bike and I could probably go 150+ miles in a day.
Well i’m in the .1% for height, I guess that helps me to stand out.
I always think I stand out but I probably don’t.
Have you tried barefoot shoes?
I don’t know what the reason is, but I have a large friend group of almost exclusively males, and I am a respected, listened to female, who can easily command the room. I can also deadlift twice my body weight.
Shit, that’s an impressive deadlift
Thank you, it was worth the crucial muscle groups sacrifice.
I have a “unique” accent of some kind. Basically, I don’t sound like I’m from “around here”, even though I have lived in the same area for my entire life and so have my parents. Probably because I read a lot more than I actually talk to people.
I dislike being observed. If someone comments on me in any capacity (clothes, looks, humor, etc.) Whether positive or negative I get uncomfortable.
That being said, currently a bright orange top.
Otherwise I’m a very average looking person who wears mostly black, dark blues, and some greys.
Reminds me of Jung’s theory around The Gaze, and how by ourselves we are our own subjects, capable of authoring our own paths, but as soon as another being is introduced and we’re subject to their gaze, their own aspect of being a subject necessarily forces some objectification upon us (and us on them). It’s interesting theory, and a good examination of why some people feel so incredibly uncomfortable with others around.
I may have to look into that to some. I’ve never been good around people, but specifically when they say something it’s much worse.
Sort of in a similar vein, I don’t like mirrors because it makes me see myself which presents an image that does not match the way I feel I present myself or my internal image of myself. it’s less a matter of attraction or confidence so much as a disillusionment.
I just learned about this, and think I have it too, to an extent. I’ve grown more comfortable as I move age and transform closer to the hag witch I was born to be.
It’s called a fear of being perceived, or scopophobia. Apparently it’s common with neurodivergence (though I personally wouldn’t consider myself neurodivergent- at least not enough to seek a diagnosis).
I’m 247.5 Oreo Cookies tall, that is many more Oreos than most, but not as many as some.
I have been told, on multiple occasions, that I have a strong sense of justice. Somehow I doubt that’s a good thing, as all it’s done is get me in trouble.
Also have been told that I have a voice for radio. I was born about twenty years too late for that to be relevant, I always reply. “Start a podcast!” they say. I tell them I tried and it failed because I can read from a script great, but I have zero ability to be witty.
You should submit voice samples to casting agencies that land voice over talent for commercials, and other media formats.
You don’t need an agent or anything of the sort to get started, just a decent sample of your vocal work.
Get it submitted wherever you can, you’ll never know what might come of it.
I was a post production supervisor in Los Angeles for a bit. I worked with VO talent, many of whom had entirely separate careers.
One guy was a bus operator & rode his bus to the studio after shift change. He was awesome.
Are you vegan?
No, but I (kinda) get it.
This sounds like something you could fix with practice. Maybe try reading books out loud. People with pleasant voices can also make audio books, although I don’t know how much they pay.
Tall. Beard. Green eyes.
Get close enough to me in a very quiet area, specifically close to my heart, and you will hear ticking noises. Freaked out my older brother once because of that scenario. Mechanical heart valve.
I’m Asian and live in rural Oregon.
I don’t know what part of the US Oregon is but i imagine Asians would always stand out in rural places
Not sure if this is quite what you’re asking about, but my speech tends to be a bit stilted. Enough so that people sometimes comment.
Physical features, though? Nothing I can think of.