A fascinating question because I used to intentionally make my characters Mary Sues. As a former child who used to write, for a while I never understood why people would give character traits they disagree with to the character or characters who are supposed to represent what is right in your world, since they’re the ones unfolding the story’s solution. This had the side effect of my main character being nicer than me, and sometimes my parents would remark to me “why can’t you be like your main character”, which had the side effect of putting me on the fast track to self-improvement. Anyone else?
Self confidence
Whatever other qualities I give them, whatever qualities or flaws I have, I write about characters who are comfortable being who they are and know what they want. Which is like the polar opposite of my terrified-of-my-own-shadow ass
I write about bad guys. All my characters are bad guys. One is greedy and manipulative, whereas the other one is a violent sociopath, while the other is a womaniser and finally a thrill junkie who loves to watch people get beat up. I’m working on the aspect that the sociopath and thrill junkie are also serial arsonists.
I don’t agree with what my characters do, but they represent an untold story. I have little interest in making my characters likeable and instead more like the person they are supposed to be. Bad guys.
There is something likeable in people that stick to their guns no matter what, though. I can respect a crazy, unlikeable bastard that doesn’t go easy on someone because of some societal norm.
I hope(!) that I personally have some good qualities, but tenacity is a pretty tricky one for me. The ability to keep plugging away at something and never give up no matter how difficult, no matter how small your progress towards your goals.
My main characters can have many and varied flaws, but tenacity is a common virtue.
If I got any writing done, the characters would be productive and actually finish writing stories instead of procrastinating like me.