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- autism@lemmy.world
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- autism@lemmy.world
I have a friend who can smell cockroaches no joke. We always take her restaurant suggestions very seriously.
I can smell ants and cockroaches. I can also smell when someone has been in my house hours after they leave. Its annoying as hell to have this sense of smell since its considered rude to point out that someone stinks. To me its like they are screaming in a small room.
No anime conventions for you unless you wear a gas mask!
I can smell cockroaches and periods. It’s weird, but I can for some reason
I take testosterone which makes my sense of pheromone smell increase like crazy (not just sweat, I can go into a truck stop late at night and tell if someone was in there somewhere and peed and how hydrated they were, or if someone just had sex in the shower in there… or just an orgasm.)
Sometimes I’ll walk into our own house bathroom half an hour after my fiance left for work and get an overwhelming woah, she’s definitely on her period right now smell or conversely, “oh yeah, tonight could be a fun night.”
Our oldest started showering in the mornings before school, and its become a subconscious game (I think, to him) of who can get in the shower first, because I do not want to smell his… shower… my entire shower.
Humans are capable of absolutely incredible senses when they’re finely tuned. But our senses are so out of whack, literally, in so many different ways we barely have concepts or words for yet. We have known about, as one example, estrogen-raising chemicals being in plastics leeching directly into our bodies and soil and water and food supplies for over 30 years now (BPA), (when estrogen levels rise, testosterone levels lower, and vice versa. same is true for many core bodily systems). Then around 2010 they did a study that found some of these new lightly tested BPA-free alternative plastics released even more estrogen into the system than BPA did. How’s that for a chucklefuck
Plastics, and then leaded gasoline, and then PFASs shortly after (or before) that… well, when a molecule or series of molecules is found that greatly benefits civilization in some way, people will die. People will sit under oath in front of the supreme court swearing they had no idea how harmful their products were.
It’s very unfortunate, because the species are being modified in so many unforseen ways. Not just humans. Alex Jones got meme’d so hard for the chemicals are turning the fuckin’ frogs gay!
I’m not sure what I’m ranting about now. I’m just sad for our species and those species affected by us and unable to do anything about it. It’s never as simple as it’s ALL profits and follow the money! because we’ve been able to make so much progress as humans through the use of breakthrough technologies like PFASs and plastic. But, at what cost? Our current methodology is to let the major corporations sell these new breakthrough molecules far and wide, and then in 5 years or 5 decades we start to see mainstream scientific acceptance that “okay, it’s really bad, we have to do something about this”…
Sure, though, it did some good in the meantime.
Thanks high testosterone bro. Your comment made me remember when I was 18ish and would not drink soda, barely eat sugar, wake up to do exercises on the bedroom floor… That was my prime and for a reason. I’ll try to go by next month reducing my sugar intake at least and do pushups when I wake up, start challenging myself again.
Take it or leave it but my advice (sometimes I take it sometimes I’m a hypocrite) but tomorrow never comes. Fuck next month. There is no reason for you to wait to eat less sugar. If it’s a matter of finances, get a head of romaine lettuce and some carrots and much away for a few days. Feel the sugar withdrawal as your body freaks out wondering what has changed and starts realigning those neurons. After a few days of that, a generic slice of sandwich bread will taste like cake. Use that wasted $30 of high sugar snacks and food as motivation to stop eating this poison. If it’s purely a waste issue, find the first homeless person you see and give them a big bag of high sugar food. Even if its frozen meals they’ll give them to their buddies and use the microwaves at a convenience store and eat like kings for day.
Honestly, a big part of this comment was me talking to myself, but not about sugar. But if it helps you, I’m happy.
Who the fuck is out here censoring fuck?
I agree it’s surprising that people can smell ants as a genetic quirk, but it’s not typing-what-the-fuck-in-all-caps surprising.
Ant smell is for communicating with other ants. These are ant smellers not human. The ant-people have been controlling our governments. It’s true! Look it up!
“Genetic quirk”, you say?
“What’s your mutation? Teleportation? Laser Eyes? Weaponized Tornadoes?”
“…I… I can smell ants… how about yours?”
“Oh… well… my mutation is that cilantro tastes like chalk to me.”
God soap cilantro just sucks. I really wish people knew it tastes like gross to like 3-21% of the world population.
I just wish it wasn’t automatically in anything Mexican. I just want to taste what other people taste. :(
Exposure therapy works for this. You can still detect the chemical that made it taste that way, but the brain can rewire to perceive it as pleasant. If you’re serious about fixing the problem, start by adding small amounts to dishes and work your way up as your tolerance changes.
Yes it works! I can eat soap now
My weird “paranormal” quirk is knowing when someone is sick by smell. My nose is usually blocked up and I can barely smell flowers but for some reason I can just tell when someone is incubating some sickness that will make them bedridden the next day.
No idea how it works. I just smell “sick” - it’s kind of this warm earthy ground smell. I can even smell it on myself sometimes and I’ll know I need to take a day off tomorrow. My theory is I can smell something off in the skin temperature.
I believe cats and/or dogs can also smell “sick” as you’ve described. I remember reading about a hospital that had either a dog or a cat who would cuddle up with people the night before they passed away of their sickness or something.
I can smell ants, but I dont think they smell that bad. The smell is hardly ever strong enough to be unpleasant. Also, in the region of the world I live in, if you start smelling ants but don’t see them anywhere, it means it’s gonna rain.
I used to be able to smell spiders when I was a kid. The spider web, to be exact. It has a quite specific but not unpleasant smell to it.
I’ve always wondered if that’s what arachnophobia is, you can smell or hear them when most people can’t.
I can’t smell or hear them, but I know where I’m likely to find one and can’t see it. That scares me. Lol
I’m slowly trying to overcome my fear of spiders, but you’ll never catch me boopin’ a black window claiming it’s “friend shaped”! Lol
spider horror
I came across a huge spider that I could hear. That is still one the most terrifying sounds of my existence. This spider had a 2 inch body which made it like 5 inches across and charged me. It made me less afraid of normal spiders though, so there’s that.
That’s CRAZY scary! What the heck did it sound like?!
Do you know what variety it was? Crazy that it felt bold enough to charge you like that.
It almost sounds like one of those “camel spiders” found in the desert. They’re pretty unnerving but the sad part is they’ve got a rep for “chasing people” and being “really aggressive” because they’re fast, but in reality they’re just trying to hang out in your shadow usually.
… Still doesn’t make me wanna encounter one tho. Yeesh!
Light clicking, sort of ti, ti, ti, ti, ti. A friend of mine’s kid makes that sound in my ear and it’s very funny to him. It takes a lot of strength not to hurt him while I get him away form my ear.
We’re in Seattle, I think they’re jumping spiders? I don’t know for sure, but they’re terrifying. We got a table from a warehouse and I think he came with the table.
That’s wild. Freaky! Sorry your friend’s kid bullies you, but I can understand what kinda sound you’re describing now. 😬
Not a spider expert, I wonder if it was this guy (tw: spider picture but also useful article?) Article Link
Dunno about jumping spiders that big. Jumping spiders tend to be small, cute, smart lil’ guys that are mainly just super curious. :)
I’m also freaked out by spiders though, mainly because I grew up in the desert where there were tons of black widows. But I’ve started to slowly get over it by watching a channel I found called “MyWildBackyard” on YouTube.
Guy talks about spiders and stuff, lets them crawl around, explains how non-threatening they are. Kinda Steve Irwin esque.
I’m not about to go pettin them…but curiosity has replaced fear at least :)
After the giant one, the smaller ones aren’t as bad to me. Still not worth it, lol. I was bit by a recluse, so that also makes me weary.
I quickly read the article, It was rounder than that, it looked more like a video game spider. I’ve seen the wolf spiders too and they weren’t nearly as big, aggressive or scary looking. It was lighter in color as well.
It’s like me figuring out after 23 years that most people don’t sneeze looking at the sun
do you mean like in the morning when the sun rays hit your nose you must sneeze?
🎶 When-the-sun hits-your-nose and you sneeze un-con-trolled IN THE MORNIIIING 🎶
I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought of that song. XD
So, what do ants smell like?
Forming acid
Some people wipe standing up…
Some people can see images and hear voices inside their heads…
It really fucked me up when I realized that “picture this” wasn’t an entirely figurative saying, and everyone else does actually see stuff in their “mind’s eye.”
had you ever heard of artists drawing with their eyes clothes