Elliot Page has announced that he is transgender ❤
A picture of elliot page in a hat reading “Stop Alton Gas”, next to a few paragraphs of text too small & blurry to read
A series of Tweets with usernames covered up, each replying to the last.
Um… is this an error? They put up a picture of Ellen Page. Typo maybe?
Not a typo, he’s Elliot Page
I’m not sure I understand. Please explain?
I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re well intentioned lol. His name used to be Ellen Page but he has come out as a trans gender man, so now his name is Elliot Page. They’re the same person
OH! Oh okay - I’m new to this. I didn’t understand what was happening. Thank you for explaining. I thought it was some new meme that I missed out on.
In that case, I’m going to join everyone else and say that I am very happy for Elliot Page. I’ve always been a huge fan of his.
It will be interesting to see if they make Inception 2 (or one of the other movies) and then still cast Elliot.
There’s no rule saying he can’t play female characters anymore, particularly if he is reprising a previous role. Whether or not he wants to is a different story.
True that is also an option, else I was thinking about Inception 2 where they could include in the script that Ariadne also transitioned.
Yeah, I see no problem with any recurring character he plays in the future that he last portrayed pre-transition being trans. If anything it’s nice to see characters where the fact that they’re trans is just a characteristic of them rather than the whole point of their existence in the story.
Juno 2
JUNiOr 2. The first sequel to two movies!