Elliot Page has announced that he is transgender ❤
A picture of elliot page in a hat reading “Stop Alton Gas”, next to a few paragraphs of text too small & blurry to read
A series of Tweets with usernames covered up, each replying to the last.
Um… is this an error? They put up a picture of Ellen Page. Typo maybe?
Not a typo, he’s Elliot Page
I’m not sure I understand. Please explain?
I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re well intentioned lol. His name used to be Ellen Page but he has come out as a trans gender man, so now his name is Elliot Page. They’re the same person
OH! Oh okay - I’m new to this. I didn’t understand what was happening. Thank you for explaining. I thought it was some new meme that I missed out on.
In that case, I’m going to join everyone else and say that I am very happy for Elliot Page. I’ve always been a huge fan of his.
It’s kinda funny that the whole Vanya - Viktor trans thing in S3 Umbrella Academy had his siblings behaving pretty similarly. The vibe was pretty wholesome. Basically “I don’t really understand it, but you’re my bro and we’re trying to save the world. On with the plot!”
Yeah, it even included a “Look, Vanya said she bla bla bla”, “you mean Viktor”, “yeah Viktor, obviously, but my point was that plot plot plot”.
Oh you know what, you’re right. My mind actually went first to the Star Trek Discovery episode where the enby character in that came out, to exactly the same reaction. But Umbrella Academy is a much more obvious comparison.
I thought Umbrella Academy would be the obvious comparison due to the fact Elliot plays him
Oh yeah it definitely is. I just didn’t recall how the coming out scene happened in UA, whereas the Discovery coming out scene really stuck in my brain.
The way I found out about his transition was this:
A bit confused until I looked it up.
They got the spirit.
This is exactly why I try to engage with the apparent trolls sometimes. 95% of the time your reading is right and you disengage shortly after but one in twenty times there’s just a confused person on the other end that needs a little helping hand 🥹❤️
Wholesome 😊
It was just like this helping my parents with generational racism. It’s all about willful open-mindedness on their part, and good-intention assuming education on ours.
It will be interesting to see if they make Inception 2 (or one of the other movies) and then still cast Elliot.
There’s no rule saying he can’t play female characters anymore, particularly if he is reprising a previous role. Whether or not he wants to is a different story.
True that is also an option, else I was thinking about Inception 2 where they could include in the script that Ariadne also transitioned.
Yeah, I see no problem with any recurring character he plays in the future that he last portrayed pre-transition being trans. If anything it’s nice to see characters where the fact that they’re trans is just a characteristic of them rather than the whole point of their existence in the story.
Juno 2
JUNiOr 2. The first sequel to two movies!
There, children, see what happens when you give people the benefit of the doubt instead of brainlessly attacking them to fuel your savior complex?
What can happen. I think this was many years ago, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t know what transgender means now. Usually the people acting like this are doing so in bad faith. I’m glad this one ended well, but it’s notable because it’s an exception, not the norm.
Even if just for that one time out of a hundred, it still pays to engage in good faith if you aren’t sure.
but for real, when this announcement came out it actually took me real effort to figure out who the fuck Elliot page was because they hadn’t really been that active at the time otherwise. no fucking articles anywhere mentioned what they used to be called so i was genuinely very confused.