It is, yes. They do a ton of really small updates all the fucking time now, sometimes breaking critical shit, sometimes fixing things. (I don’t remember which version it was that ended support for PANTONE; now you have to pay for a subscription to PANTONE also, and the plug-in is trash and buggy as hell.) Since it wants to be always connected to the internet now, it’s more of a pain in the ass to pirate, although it’s likely still possible.
I have to use it for my job, so my company pays for it. But TBH, if you’re an industry professional, there’s really not any viable options on the market. Half the stuff clients send to me are in proprietary formats.
It’s still possible and last time I used it, it was about as easy as can be.
When I last did it, you just downloaded the regular program, installed it, then you ran a patcher and that was it. This was a couple years ago now, but Adobe already had their current business model.
Not that I condone piracy, but I thought photoshop switched to a SaaS model from CS6 or so that made it unlikely to be pirated?
It is, yes. They do a ton of really small updates all the fucking time now, sometimes breaking critical shit, sometimes fixing things. (I don’t remember which version it was that ended support for PANTONE; now you have to pay for a subscription to PANTONE also, and the plug-in is trash and buggy as hell.) Since it wants to be always connected to the internet now, it’s more of a pain in the ass to pirate, although it’s likely still possible.
I have to use it for my job, so my company pays for it. But TBH, if you’re an industry professional, there’s really not any viable options on the market. Half the stuff clients send to me are in proprietary formats.
CC is very piratable.
It’s still possible and last time I used it, it was about as easy as can be.
When I last did it, you just downloaded the regular program, installed it, then you ran a patcher and that was it. This was a couple years ago now, but Adobe already had their current business model.
Last time SWIM used a patcher, it came with a malware dropper. Is that still how this “free” works?
Sometimes yes.
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