Important info for the rematch:
A few years ago somebody pointed out that twump looks like the front end of a centaur and I cannot unsee it.
Then again, his current posture could be the successful result of a species realignment surgery from mythical to femboy.
This was from 2020. No idea how his posture has evolved since.
How does he not just topple over? Does the shit in his diaper act as a counter balance?
that middle photo up there is a model of lordosis.
It’s a spinal pelvic muscular misalignment issue. Surely there are also heterosexual masculine men with lordosis.
As a side note, I’m a woman with lordosis and, with advanced age, it becomes increasingly painful & difficult to correct.
oh lawdosis he comin
As a side note, I’m sorry for your pain
Wait, that looks kinda like my posture. Shit lol, how do I fix that?
planks, pushups, pullups, abdominal & core exercises all day every day
IANAD so seek medical advice, but exercise more and sit less. You want to strengthen your glutes, core and I think your quads. You also want to loosen your hip flexors.
Holy shit femboy trump looks like Taylor fucking Swift what the hell
That’s an insult to femboys.
You can’t control who else decides to be a femboy 😔
All I’m saying is, it’s okay to be a femboy. Being a femboy shouldn’t be an insult.
I’m afraid it was explicitly not used an insult. The “femboy posture” plays on how femboys often pose in ways to accentuate their rear. If held regularly, it is unhealthy, but if you only do it briefly, it slays. It’s a joke about how those poses can often be weird when viewed through a different lens, no on femboys themselves. Femboys are based.
As soon as I saw the pic of Trump’s absurd posture, this meme was the first thing I thought of. Trump is literally the meme of hating everyone equally, meaning he isn’t specifically bigoted outside of when it helps him. He’s said some sus shit and is probably fine with doing fruity stuff for fun. He boasted about being pro gay in 2016, but he gladly supports homophobes and jumped on the queer panic whenever it helps. He’s a narcissist with no inherent values based on identity. He’s evil, but not primarily due to personal bigotry.