My parents attic was a bat haven. Every once in awhile one would get into the house. I’d just put thick leather garden gloves on and GENTLY pluck them off the curtains. Then carry them outside, hold them above my head and let them go.
Bats can’t take flight from the ground(putting them on the ground is a death sentence), so you have to give them some height so they can glide away. Just thought I’d share this in case anyone gets a bat trapped in their house.
If the bat isn’t afraid of people call animal control because it is sick with rabies or something and shut it in the room it’s in. Usually they are very timid and will try to get away from you though.
I should’ve added that rabies is very rare in bats where I am so that’s probably why I was given the advice I was.
death sentence seems a bit excessive, surely they can climb? Yeah putting them on the ground probably makes it much more likely they’ll get nabbed by a predator before they get up a tree, but it feels like saying “putting a human in a tree is a death sentence”
I’m simply repeating what I was told by professionals, so I’m not sure what you want from me.
Make sure the bat takes flight…some people might not know that and just put it on the ground and go back inside thinking it’s fine.
Holding it up high ensures it does that, no need for it to find something to climb. Being trapped in a house is stressful on the little guys so why not give them the best chance?
My parents attic was a bat haven. Every once in awhile one would get into the house. I’d just put thick leather garden gloves on and GENTLY pluck them off the curtains. Then carry them outside, hold them above my head and let them go.
Bats can’t take flight from the ground(putting them on the ground is a death sentence), so you have to give them some height so they can glide away. Just thought I’d share this in case anyone gets a bat trapped in their house.
Also unless you know for certain they haven’t touched you, get rabies shots. Actually just get rabies shots anyway.
Yes, make sure they don’t get on you.
If the bat isn’t afraid of people call animal control because it is sick with rabies or something and shut it in the room it’s in. Usually they are very timid and will try to get away from you though.
I should’ve added that rabies is very rare in bats where I am so that’s probably why I was given the advice I was.
Thank you, I had no idea.
Looks like at least one type can take flight from the ground, although with some difficulty:
death sentence seems a bit excessive, surely they can climb? Yeah putting them on the ground probably makes it much more likely they’ll get nabbed by a predator before they get up a tree, but it feels like saying “putting a human in a tree is a death sentence”
I’m simply repeating what I was told by professionals, so I’m not sure what you want from me.
Make sure the bat takes flight…some people might not know that and just put it on the ground and go back inside thinking it’s fine.
Holding it up high ensures it does that, no need for it to find something to climb. Being trapped in a house is stressful on the little guys so why not give them the best chance?
Just trying to provide helpful info to folks.
Have a nice day!