Interpret ‘hardest’ however suits you. Look forward to your answers!
Hard work does not always lead to success. Most of the time, it just leads to more work.
To be precise: Fast work leads to more work.
More like nonsmooth work leads to more work.
Smooth is fast
At my current job, people keep remarking how fast I unload a truck.
I just laugh to myself. I’m not fast - I just work at a steady pace and utilize efficient methods.
I know and have know plenty of people that can move faster than me but its almost always at the expense of their quality.
I just see no reason to be ‘the fastest gun in the west’ if you can’t hit the broadside of a barn.
Same but loading instead.
I was just thinking today about how I keep bitching in my head about the number, and then realize I run it all day no problem.
Just gotta hit that flow.
The fact that it’s hot probably helps as well, the inside of a trailer gets hot even with 2’ diameter fans, you have to learn to be efficient.
I’m so glad I started over winter, it gave me plenty of time to start to figure out timing and pacing.
Plus y’know the unreal amount of money it pays for work that isn’t even that hard once you’ve built the muscles.
Plus y’know the unreal amount of money it pays for work that isn’t even that hard once you’ve built the muscles.
Don’t sell yourself short. Pay isn’t about how hard your work is. It’s about how much money the company makes off of you and how quickly they can replace you.
This was obvious during the pandemic when all the “low skill” jobs hiked their wages. It turned out most office jobs were not as important as retail work, so lots of people in retail got raises for the same work.
I had a different direction in mind actually. My experience is that if I work fast (or rather faster than the slow colleagues) while delivering good work, I just get more work from my boss because I have time. If I slow down so everyone is at the same pace, I have less work in the end. This is why I think a fixed 40 hour work week is shit. Let me go if I’m done with my tasks.
Indeed, haste makes waste
Don’t trust any corporation. They will change their values when their stock goes down.
But we’re a family! They told me!
It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
You can do everything right and still lose, still face heart break, and still face setbacks.
To this day, that is one of my favorite fictional quotes of all time. It’s something that for years every now and again I have to remind myself of, since our modern world focuses so extremely on success in all ways at all costs.
It’s kinda scary actually…
“Not everything is a lesson Ryan, sometimes you just fail.”
Don’t put up with abuse. I let a woman take advantage of me and abuse me, mentally, emotionally, and physically, for almost 4 years. I was determined not to hit the 4 year anniversary, but I feel stupid letting it go on at all. She still tries to reach out and every now and then but I’m over it. I let her have a ton of control over my life back when we spent time together.
It was hard dealing with it and it was hard getting over her.
Bad relationships are like bad cars, after you have spent so much time trying to fix it you don’t want to “waste” all that effort.
Sunk cost
Can happen to anyone. Bad luck. Good for you in moving on.
conflict-avoidance often leads to lying, and lying will lead to greater conflict. The truth will set you free.
Sometimes you don’t get a chance to say what you wish you had.
Reminds me of a quote from a Reddit comment years ago:
“Sometimes we lack the strength to communicate, and we whisper what we need to shout.”
Yeah, that hits in the feels too. In my case there have been two big ones. I wish I would’ve told the girl that got away that I just got jealous and it was my fault I pushed her away…that I forgave her or more realistically that she did nothing wrong. I was young and dumb. The other was what I didn’t say to my stepson, that I wasn’t ever going to try to be the “new sheriff in town” and that life is hard and he was fine just the way he was. Maybe that yesterday’s painful lessons become tomorrow’s triumphs. He was an angsty, antisocial teen and I always figured he’d be cooler towards me when he grew up a bit. He killed himself, so growing up never happened.
Goddamn, I was blindsided by that last sentence. Sending good vibes now.
Thanks friend, I appreciate it.
HR doesn’t work for you and is never on your side. They exist to cover your employer’s ass.
I think everyone has to experience this one. Going to hr because someone was an unbelievable ass and watching her sweep it under the rug and convincing you to keep it quiet to make the company happy
Learnt this years in advance. They care about fellating their boss’ feelings, not yours.
Be prepared to be able to rely on nobody while knowing how to fend off against everyone.
I know this one. Thanks for sharing.
Don’t stick your dick into crazy.
When crazy calls, don’t answer
Should have taken your own advice.
I learn best from experience!
What happened? You were keeping pace? Don’t you like generating content?
You can’t just pretend that you’re “driven by logic” and ignore your “weak” emotions forever. If the foundations upon which you build your personality are rotten, there will be point where it all comes crashing down. Until that moment you just waste time pretending to be someone you aren’t.
This is something commonly misunderstood as:
Logic = correct = good
Emotion = irrational = bad
In truth your emotions are trying to tell you something. You certainly shouldn’t be acting completely on emotion. But you do need to learn to interpret what your emotions are telling you and what that means, because there is critical information there that you would ignore at your peril.
Exactly. I think it’s easy for autistic people like me to fall into this mindset. When I was younger I was quite disillusioned with the world, mostly because I didn’t fully fit in. Feeling like I was in some way better, because I was driven by logic instead of emotion, was probably a defense mechanism or something. In truth it was not that I didn’t have emotions, I just wasn’t able to listen to them. Luckily I never really got into the far right “facts don’t care about your feelings” bullshit.
Interpret ‘hardest’ however suits you
I’ll just scope it down to yesterday. I intentionally short-circuited a 36v battery to see if the battery is still functional or not because my multimeter is out of power. I did this intentionally or otherwise usually in 12v environment to either test out quickly if the wire is connected, or when i accidentally shorted the terminal. The spark are weak on 12v so no big deal with 36v right?
It’s the brightest spark i’ve ever witnessed in a semi-controlled environment, second to welding spark, and it leave a blind spot in my vision for about 10 second. The terminal melted a bit, and the wire bit that touched the terminal disintegrated. Also almost start a house fire with that.
Note to self: wait until you get your equipment in working condition before you work with electric.
That I’m safe now.
Although that implies I’ve successfully learned it, hah. PTSD is a bitch.
You don’t have to forgive everything.
Know when to ask for help. You can’t always hold the world on your shoulders.
Nothing matters, but neither does that fact.
Growing up in a population with lots of spirituality, it felt like a requirement to have some higher meaning to your life. And me deciding one-by-one that I didn’t believe in the spiritual stuff, it felt like I was missing that higher meaning.
What I didn’t realize for too long, is that if I don’t believe in the spiritual stuff, then I necessarily also don’t believe that the spiritual people have a higher meaning to their life. And that it’s not a requirement. A regular meaning or even no meaning is just as fine.
Nothing you do matters, so the only thing that matters is what you do
Life having no meaning or purpose can be scary. Living in an artificial bubble of pretend is scarier.
While I’m sure there are many genuinely religious or spiritual people, the vast majority just mindlessly follow what they have been told.