I remember a documentary about a famous northwest passage expedition that was never seen again. One of the inuit people they talked to during an investigation claimed they found a boat, and in the captain’s quarters they found a body in the bed with a big smile on its face. That would be absolutely terrifying, but apparently that’s what naturally happens to corpses when their lips and gums receed.
You’ve just ruined my night. I screamed. My phone was like an inch from my face and I was all tucked into bed. That triggered something primaly unsettling for me. Thank you
You’re right though, as soon as someone dies, there’s something not right at all about how they look. They don’t look asleep, they look uncanny valley.
I think you missed the proverbial point. We likely slaughtered the chimps and put their heads on pikes. Chimps have nothing on the violence humans are capable of inflicting.
It’s called “corpse”. Often riddled with diseases.
I remember a documentary about a famous northwest passage expedition that was never seen again. One of the inuit people they talked to during an investigation claimed they found a boat, and in the captain’s quarters they found a body in the bed with a big smile on its face. That would be absolutely terrifying, but apparently that’s what naturally happens to corpses when their lips and gums receed.
“Oh for just one time, I would take the Northwest Passage…”
Damn, got to listen to it now…
Damn, now i want to know!
Franklin’s last expedition
You’ve just ruined my night. I screamed. My phone was like an inch from my face and I was all tucked into bed. That triggered something primaly unsettling for me. Thank you
You’re welcome.
I trusted you
You were the best Blue.
At least he died happy
You’re right though, as soon as someone dies, there’s something not right at all about how they look. They don’t look asleep, they look uncanny valley.
maybe hairless chimps too. Those things are crazy
They will rip your dick out, Jamie send that video of jacked hairless chimps
Your dick, your face… they’ll pretty much, as we say in my corner of the world, “Fuck your shit up”
Now, imagine the violence early human bought upon early chimps to become the dominant species but also make them shy away from us.
There’s a difference between a few humans throwing some rocks at something’s head and poking it with a sharp stick and what chimps do.
I think you missed the proverbial point. We likely slaughtered the chimps and put their heads on pikes. Chimps have nothing on the violence humans are capable of inflicting.
In scale? Yes. In brutality? Go look up chimp attacks.
Chimps kicked our weak asses off the trees. They should regret how that turned out for them.
It also covers those who are not biologically fit to be mates. Various conditions can appear as physical traits.
Or perhaps whatever animal killed your friend is still nearby. Maybe it’s still hungry, or maybe it feels it’s territory is still underappreciated.
Its territory is underappreciated?
Yeah, some asshole walks through your territory, doesn’t seem like it’s being appreciated that the territory is yours
There might be a monster with hurt fee fees in the bushes