This is a fucking differential equation with unknown constants, so yeah, everyone will be burning…
Maybe use c1 and c2?
The Navier Stokes equations represent the universal laws of physics that can model any fluid in the universe.
These equations have been around since almost two centuries now but we still understand very little about them. When we have a set of equations we expect the following to happen-
Solution should exist- One should be able to solve the equations
Solution should be unique- Given particular initial conditions, one should obtain an unique solution to the problem. For example if you and your friend pour water into a container in an identical way, keeping all parameters (pouring velocity, direction, geometry and dimensions of the container, etc) identical then you both should get the same flow pattern. Water in both the containers should behave in exactly the same way. If your friend gets air bubbles at a point then you should get them at the exact same point as well.
Solution should be smooth- A finite change in the input should produce a finite change in the output. It should not be erratic and unpredictable.
Unfortunately, Navier Stokes equations do not satisfy any of the conditions mentioned above.
The Navier Stokes equations represent the universal laws of physics that can model any fluid in the universe.
Clearly you’ve never had a Pan-galactic Gargle Blaster.
I got one of those between my legs, which explains why no one has ever heard of it
One thing I remember from physics is if you have to guess, the most common answer is zero.
As a physics major this is very true. The answers are always 0, 1, or π
No e?
Only if you are blowing shit up.
Usually it is e^t or something similar
Or if you know what you are doing electrically speaking pull the thermostat off the wall and connect the cooling/heating line to common for a bit; I think it would actually be less effort
Or blast it with a hair dryer (if you want it to cool) or air duster (if you want it to heat)
Aren’t those locked with actual keys?
My work set the password to the facilities manager’s phone extension which could just be looked up in the internal directory.
Or you could point a flamethrower at the sensor…
For less drastic response, put your hand on the sensor.
Aren’t those locked with actual keys?
Incredibly easy to bypass as well…
Aren’t those locked with actual keys?