Huh, til terrestrial shrimp exists. Would’ve thought it will be categorised as something entirely different.
Grasshoppers are terrestreal shrimps
Your MOM a terrestrial shrimp is, young grasshopper.
Well, not really. One are insects the other crustaceans. Woodlice would probably be a better comparison?
Both are artropodes, crustaceans and insects are no so different either, mainly due to the adaption of the environment. Molusks and snails are another similar group, both are in our recipes since long time ago.
I’m more tickled by the fact that “The Cyclops Mountains” are a real place and not just part of a D&D campaign run by a DM who’s bad at names 😆
What, like real mountains aren’t named after things you find there?!?!
They can be!
I visited the Rocky Mountains once. The name checked out.
Conversely, “Himmelbjerget” (translation: Sky Mountain) does not reach the sky and is in fact a 147m (482 ft) tall hill.
What does the top touch if not sky? I would say that all mountains above sea level technically touch the sky
What does the top touch if not sky
Either a gift shop or a touristy restaurant. Haven’t been there in a long time, so I’m a bit hazy on the details.
all mountains above sea level technically touch the sky
Well it’s just a hill, not a mountain, and there’s buildings on top of it, so double no lol
This is cool but also, like, not even pretending to be a meme?
It’s a placebo meme - you are in the control group 📋
Shrimp is bug
Shrimp is bugs*
Taking notes from pill bugs I see
Do it taste like shrimp?
Crawdad look kinda like mini lobsters, but they sure don’t taste like lobster.
Of course crawdad doesn’t taste like lobster, you silly.
It taste like dad.
Get away from dad right this instant!
It taste just like daddy’s long legs
What do they taste like?
Fishier than lobster and tougher.
Huh, interesting. I’d still like to try it sometime.
Yeah, it’s pretty good when cooked properly.
no banana for scale?
Aww look how happy he is. I’m glad scale enjoys his gift. :)
I have many questions. Do they breathe air or water? How long ago did they diverge? What do they taste like?
Tasty bugs
Is this related to the Pacific Northwest tree octopus?