I mean, he can be the most important founding father of modern psychology and also have been wrong about everything he said. Let’s be real. Modern psychology is still very, very wrong about a lot of things. It’s a science in its infancy. Alchemists were wrong about everything, but their work made chemistry possible. Standing on the shoulders of giants doesn’t always mean those giants were right.
This might be a universal truth
See also: Herodotus is the father of history despite being an absolutely terrible historian by modern standards.
The content of his studies was mostly false, but the concept of it was influential and groundbreaking. He initiated the process of moving the questions of the mind from the field of philosophy to the field of science and medicine… But he didn’t achieve that process himself. His psychoanalysis wasn’t science yet, but philosophy on its way to become science.
That wasn’t really Freud’s achievement though. There are many early psychologists who deserve credit for this much more than him, such as William James, Gustav Fechner, Wilhelm Wundt, Hermann Ebbinghaus, or (later) B. F. Skinner.
Freud’s work was mostly in the medical tradition, developed independently from the emerging psychological science of that time, and that’s where his theories still have the largest impact.
don’t you think more of your problems could be solved by the precise application of shitloads of cocaine?
MFW they invent an Elektra complex to make it gender equal
She didn’t even do that! She was trying to avenge her father! Why not name it after one of those girls from the old testament that drugged and raped their dad to get prego? Sounds a lot more like what a woman with a dangerous sexual fixation would do too.
Oedipus dit also cut his eyes out when he realised what he had done, so…
That’s what I never understood. Oedipus only fucked his mum because he didn’t know who she really was. So, technically a motherfucker but it makes absolutely no sense as a psychology template (in my layman’s eyes st least).
That’s sort of the point of the metaphor I think—Oedipus was driven to do it by fate even though the conscious awareness of it horrified him.
But people still love cocaine!
Freud is seriously the biggest hack in any field I can think of that went on to get such undeserved renowned.
Freud is seriously the biggest Fraud in any …
Missed opportunity there.
Musk is mentioned in Star Trek as a genius of his time…
well, while his specific ideas are generally discredited, he did invent psychoanalysis…
Psychoanalysis is kinda stinky tho.
Apart from Woody Allen movies, what did it ever bring?