My gluetun VPN keeps failing the health check after running for a few hours. I found that some had fixed this by changing the update period to a shorter interval, and this worked for a while for me as well. But for the last 24h or so, it keeps failing after a few hours.
How can i fix this?
docker compose:
gluetun log:
Are you seeding a lot of torrents?
Something similar kept happening to me last year, constantly disconnecting no matter what I tried. I thought it was a gluetun issue so I stopped using docker and tried the official ProtonVPN app, openvpn, wireguard and community version of protonvpn, I tried switching from arch to ubuntu on my NAS and the same thing kept happening.
I was convinced it was a hardware issue so I tried different hardware, same issues.
The only thing that fixed it was reducing the number of torrents I had seeding. At the time I had ~500 and once I lowered it, I stopped disconnecting.
Now I run 3 gluetun containers with 1 qbittorrent container connected to each and they each have ~400 torrents seeding and I haven’t had any issues since.
Huh…i don’t have a lot seeding, but I do have one big one that’s seeding at a high rate, and it started seeding recently.
The size of the file and speed shouldn’t be an issue, unless its crazy high speeds, I’m seeding a bunch of 80+ GB files, I think for me it was the number of connections being made that was causing the disconnects for me.
I assume its not something basic like the ProtonVPN subscription lapsed or one of the issues mentioned in the link in the logs
I’d try a few different countries and see if its that specific one, I like to have 3 different countries listed in my compose files so if there are issues with one countries servers it just connects to the next country instead
You could also try switching between wireguard and openvpn configs to see if that helps
no my subscription is fine, and working on other devices without issues, firewall and internet connection should also be fine. I’ll try adding more countries to the compose file and see if that helps.
Have you read and tried each possible solution it tells you about?
Yes, that was were I started…when that didn’t work I asked here
Then I would continue following its advice and open an issue. It could be a bug in the program.
I’m not very competent with docker, so honestly I think the error is more on my end than theirs. I bet there is some setting I have set incorrectly and I’m just missing it.
If all else fails you can overwrite the healthcheck command or even disable it altogether.
lol that second one is a terrible idea
Wouldn’t you want to turn it off if it doesn’t work reliably? I struggle to see the point of keeping around a health check that behaves erratically.
I suppose it’s a personal choice of where you set the bar for your systems.
Personally, as a software engineer who’s designed and built a lot of systems over the course of my career: nope - not if you want to just set it and forget it, that is. Which I do. And yes, most of the systems I’ve built professionally aren’t to that standard (mostly due to time constraints), which has consistently frustrated me, but you gotta be a little bit zen about stuff you don’t have complete ownership over.
Maybe your tolerance for manual intervention is higher than mine, but in terms personal standards, I don’t consider a system to be “done” until it’s configured to to handle itself resiliently and recoverably in all but the most catastrophic situations (I.e. basically, a hardware fault, or some sort of fairly serious upstream infrastructure failure).
All that said: YMMV. It’s a personal preference, and I know my standards would be considered abnormally strict by some.