Me opening /dev/urandom as a raw video stream to watch some nice relaxing RGB static.
Weird. Anytime I do that I get Rick rolled.
I once thought of a movie while coughing into a microphone. I opened the recorded cough with VLC and it played the movie.
FFmpeg enters the chat
Yeah, guess where vlc gets all that muscle…
The cool part is vlc can act like a video downloader, screen recorder, and media converter. It can also stream a video over the internet
The swissknife of digital video.
The every thing tool for media, now we just need a video editor XD
You are looking for kdenlive
VLC is nice, but same as SMplayer or Mplayer, it can`t download a video, but record it in streaming. I used VLC before, but VLC lacks in speed, it’s very slow compared to the mencioned.
I just discovered something that VLC REALLY didn’t like to play. A 4K50fps JPEG2000 YUV444 12bit lossless ~48 GB video that was only 1 minute long.
To be fair the bitrate of the video is insane at ~5700 Mbit/s. The bitrate is so insane that you should really consider using an NVME drive for playback.
MPC-HC could kinda play it but only with extreme stutter and lag. My CPU (Ryzen 9 5900x) was completely maxed out.
I think you need hardware acceleration for a video like this.
Forget playback. How was that video file recorded? How do you even store data that fast, let alone encode it?
Vlc has hardware acceleration afaik. I think its more a case of the ffmpeg codec not supporting it yet because what the actual fuck haha
JPEG2000 = not lossless
JPEG2000 supports both. That’s why I specifically said that the video is lossless
Right! Sorry, I assumed this was regular JPEG
There are people who like VLC, but for me personally, MPV has a much cleaner interface, better configuration options, and when it comes to streaming video, MPV absolutely destroys VLC (especially when changing playback speed while the video is playing – VLC has the audio cut out for several seconds and MPV doesn’t, and that’s to say nothing of the MPEG glitches)
Nothing streams better than RealPlayer
Now that takes me back
Mpv is better
It runs better, but VLC is much more user friendly
shrugs idk. Vlc has more features. Not sure I’d call it easier.
Tell your parents to set mpv to loop a video and see how it goes
Such beings do not deserve to use computers. We’re talking about humans here, not our monkey ancestors.