Vanguard takes screenshots of your PC every time you play a game. Every time you play a game a function is called to screenshot your PC’s screen, in case Vanguard thinks you might have something suspicious, it screenshots your ENTIRE PC screen (all monitors).
Edit: Not trying to spread false info this was shared to me via a friend and there is other data to back up that this is real
Imagine being treated like this just to play a fucking game…
deleted by creator
Which games use Vanguard?
Valorant, as of right now. I don’t think any other games use it.
League of Legends I think just started using it as well, breaking it’s linux support.
There should be laws against this everywhere (with other forms of data collection included). There’s no way preventing cheating is more important than the fundamental rights to security and privacy.
There is, this could have the potential to collect PII and its %100 they’re not storing this as encrypted data on their side. So it is %100 illegal to do, now if they’re fined for it is a different story.
Even if encrypted this doesn’t sound like something compatible with the GDPR.
Many people criticize that, but I can’t really think of any non invasive solution to draw away cheaters, except making specialized device to play the game (sort of PS4 to play one single game only?), but pretty sure it won’t take long for cheat providers to crack it as well… Sadly.
but I can’t really think of any non invasive solution to draw away cheaters
Server-Side Anticheat. The Minecraft community has been doing it ALL ON THEIR OWN for YEARS, effectively.
server side anticheat is the only ultimate solution.
all client side anticheat measures will have vulnerabilities that will be found and people will cheat. (look at DMA pci cards, for instance)
How would a server side anti-cheat prevent a DMA exploit?
Don’t send opponents location until they are visible for example. That way a wallhack won’t work.
That literally doesn’t work for faster fps games
Also any time you open a webpage in Windows, a nude photo is taken of you (whether you’re currently clothed or not) and posted on your mom’s Facebook.
My source for this is the same as OP’s.
A cheating website doesn’t like Vanguard. Big shocker.
How would that invalidate their findings?
Kinda weird that the top of the league subreddit isn’t filled with people complaining about their bricked PCs, isn’t it.
Or MAYBE, people who enjoy “hacking” (the actual programmers, not “cheaters”) and go decompile/learn the inner workings of programs might have a better idea of what’s going on? Just a wild guess.
I’m a professional software developer. The people hacking league of legends are doing it for money. Guess what kind of activities make money.
As a fellow professional software developer, you are being silly if you don’t think people do this kind of shit for fun.
Okay, do YOU honestly think Riot is taking screenshots from regular players and sending them to their servers?
Or is it more likely that this is propaganda stemming from people who make money selling cheats (and those who are convinced by those rumors)?
Points at everything riot has ever done
Yes yes I think they do