he was probably quite happy with knowing his opposition leader and having them controlled that way
alright that was an unexpected turn of events. would the US even have reason to lie about this? i take its better for them if they can have more reason to paint putin in a negative light.
who wanted navalny dead then and why?
Gotta gather support for funding and hate for Russia somehow. As far as why or how he ended up dead who knows. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was a false flag
Putin wanted him to die a painful slow death in jail. He instead got a painful less slow death in jail.
To be clear, Putin never ordered the death of anyone. Some Russians just have shitty windows and are extra susceptible to the effects of gravity. They didn’t choose to be pre-disposed to falling to their deaths. They were just born that way. What are you gonna do?
It could also be some other, lower down Kremlin guy who wanted him dead. Unfortunately this won’t load for me, so I can’t comment too much.
Did he say, “Kill this man,” no, probably not.
Did he say, “Take care of this problem,” I’m willing to bet.
I mean. Being locked in a Russian prison is not good for your health. The system is working as intended.
It’s actually preferable for Putin for a few different reasons if it’s simply a slow death because of unlivable conditions, than to have someone take him out back and shoot him quickly or something like that.
But yes, the system is working 100% as intended; this is a feature.
Over six thousand prisoners died behind bars in America during 2020. It turns out that prisons are awful places with awful conditions that lead to people’s death.
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Bro are you ok?
You didn’t read the article.
The Kremlin has denied any state involvement. Last month, Putin called Navalny’s demise “sad” and said he had been ready to hand the jailed politician over to the West in a prisoner exchange provided Navalny never return to Russia. Navalny’s allies said such talks had been under way.
The Kremlin has denied any state involvement.
Of course they would.
Putin called Navalny’s demise “sad”
Children being taken from their families and trafficked to Russia is also sad(and a war crime), and yet Putin does nothing about that. Somehow I don’t think he’s actually all that sad about Navalny.
said he had been ready to hand the jailed politician over to the West in a prisoner exchange provided Navalny never return to Russia. Navalny’s allies said such talks had been under way.
It’s an awful coincidence that the moment they decide to start considering releasing him, that he dies, isn’t it? Nevermind the fact that he’d at this point been sentenced to over 20 years in Russian prison and a mere 2 months prior to his death was secretly sent to an arctic circle prison that is essentially a death camp, with none of his team knowing where he was for weeks. No no, forget ALL of those facts and trust Daddy Putin at his word that they were totally going to release him if he hadn’t died when he did.
What a load of bullshit. At best, they knew Navalny wasn’t doing good and were hoping to release him before he died so they could wipe their hands clean of it. Realistically though, what happened was always the plan.
Obligatory Mitchell and Webb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6cake3bwnY
Won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome journalist?
It’s surprising that he even survived as long as he did after taking nerve gas.
Regardless, I sure as hell won’t be complaining about a racist like Navalny dying
I never thought he specifically ordered the killing blow but given that he did order him jailed in cruel conditions under a ton of bogus charges Navalny’s death is on his head either way.
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Imma press X to doubt
Putin likely ordered him to be kept in such conditions that he will die because of that.
Oh no, Putin is not as bad as shitlibs claim. Shitlibs are still worse. Now even USA said it, how will they cope?
Putin is every bit as bad as claimed. If you don’t see that, you’re fucking blind. Navalny was only in prison to begin with because Putin is a thin-skinned shitheel that can’t handle even a modicum of criticism.
Oh yeah, totally. Because the US state apparatus would never abuse the legal system to punish dissidents. They have the national guard for that.
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Navalny called Muslims cockroaches. This is all I need to know about that fascist. He got a better deal than guillotine tbh.
I can’t speak to why Navalny was in prison, I only know that he was a fascist who wanted to invite US capitalists back to resume their neoliberal shock therapy plundering that started under Yeltsin and ended under Putin.
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Yes we just love us some dictators uwu 🙄 Copypasta from a previous conversation:
Honest question from a non-communist, based on your reply here. Does one need to support Putin to be a Marxist?
In a word, no. In a few more words, support for Russia (not Putin, as historical materialists don’t subscribe to great man theory) is only a partial, temporary, tactical one, in the context of imperialist liberation. Russia is still a capitalist state, though, so it’s a two stage strategy: first liberate colonized bourgeois states from colonizer states, and second revolution within those liberated bourgeois states.
Russia is an interesting case: it has already liberated itself from the post-Soviet “shock therapy” neocolonizers. This occurred during Putin’s administration, which is why he is especially hated by the US. So now the support for Russia is in the context of keeping the colonizers from recolonizing it, and supporting Russia to the extent that it helps other states liberate themselves. But Russia isn’t trying to “liberate” Ukraine, at least not all of Ukraine. It’s trying to resolve the genocidal attacks on the people of the Donbas, and it’s trying to resolve the imperialist military expansion at its border.
I agree entirely that Russia is liberating Ukraine like they did with Georgia… if you replace liberating with vassalizing.