Did they remove ass from the screenshot lmao
The American mind cannot even comprehend a border between 3 countries being so open.
Hey we’ve got Four Corners!
Isn’t that between 4 states though? Rather than 4 countries lol still super cool though
The relationship between states in the EU is not very different from the relationship between US States under the Articles of Confederation. It’s not a big a distinction as you think.
Sure, but Norway is not in the EU ;)
Stop censoring screenshots.
three nations did not want to lose their soverign rights to equal thirds of this small lake. what is in the lake.
Water, probably.
They should put some strange women distributing swords, as a basis for their system of government.
A moist bint lobbing scimitars at people in the middle of jänkhä? Sign me up.
From which side can you access it? Which nation owns the corner?
exact point is probably empty. so much of matter is just empty space.
Isn’t it supposed to be a pile of rocks there? (Treriksröset) Or is it this block that is that’s named Treriksröset? But a “röse” is supposed to be a like of rocks?