This is from the trivia section of the Nether wiki page. I remembered it being different too in the past. I think I played on a small or classic world where the ratio was only 1:3.
In Legacy Console Edition, the size of the Nether is limited, with bedrock walls surrounding it on all sides. The Overworld-Nether ratio varies depending on the world size: it is 1:3 for Classic and Small worlds, 1:6 for Medium worlds, and 1:8 (the same as Java and Bedrock editions) for Large worlds.
Edit: Removed link to outdated wiki to avoid SEO pollution.
I made it very clear that I thought it used to be 7. As in the past. As in not the present, a point that is before the present. Some time that is not now, and not the future.
Has it always been 8? I swear it was 7, is my brain just making that up?
Rule of thumb is that Computers love base 2 numbers (2,4,8,16,ect) and hate prime numbers 7 and higher.
This is from the trivia section of the Nether wiki page. I remembered it being different too in the past. I think I played on a small or classic world where the ratio was only 1:3.
Edit: Removed link to outdated wiki to avoid SEO pollution.
just checked, it is 8, you are delusional 🥰
I made it very clear that I thought it used to be 7. As in the past. As in not the present, a point that is before the present. Some time that is not now, and not the future.