A Plaid Cymru MS has launched a bid to transform healthcare for women and girls and counter the normalisation of women’s pain and suffering during gynaecological procedures.

South Wales East MS, Delyth Jewell has applied to the Senedd to seek agreement to introduce the ‘The Strengthening Women’s Voice and Agency in their own Healthcare (Wales) Bill’.

She hopes it will address barriers to women’s rights to health – particularly concerning gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis, menstrual problems and menopause – and services for health conditions where gender-related disparities occur.

Any Senedd Member wishing to propose a Bill can apply to be included in a ballot which is held by the Presiding Officer.

To be eligible for the ballot, Members must table certain pre-ballot information, including the proposed title of the Bill and its policy objectives.

An MS who is successful in the ballot can then table a motion asking the Senedd to agree that they can introduce a Bill to give effect to the proposal included in the ballot.